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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58060175 [View]
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All of these threads are made and populated by the same two samefagging no life faggots.
The link janny tranny shill and Thomas the fudder. One of them makes shill threads and one of them makes fud threads.
They enter eachothers threads and spam their catchphrases at eachother over and over again, kek baggies, kek fuddies, pools closed, missed a bullrun, pools full, the cuckolds of crypto.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person all along and that all of /biz/ link marines are really just one schizo talking to himself.

Meds time schizos

>> No.57477676 [View]
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I'm a meds dispenser, my job is to wrangle these schizos

>> No.57301040 [View]
File: 33 KB, 591x708, FaH5QkYWAAAVpHp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI already outperforms doctors.
I see, and what is it that you think a doctor does in a working day that AI is doing more effectively? Can AI do investigatory or interventional procedures? Shoving an endoscope down your throat or a colonoscope up your ass? Band that pesky varice of yours before you bleed to death? Nope. Surgery? No, can't do that either (although I fucking wish they could, I want to see surgeons BTFO). Rapid intervention? I think we're a while off machines intubating kids or keeping septic grannies hemodynamically stable. Ok, maybe diagnostic medicine? Fuck, it can't do physical exams! That's a bit of a deal breaker; if I had an intern that couldn't do a basic neuro exam we'd have a real fucking problem.

So what, basic telemedicine? Imaging? Nice. The thing is if an AI can tell me that stroke is not hemorrhagic 30 seconds quicker than I can scroll through a CT head, do you think that's me out of a job? Haha, keep dreaming, faggot. We already have clinical algorithms, just makes my job easier and you seethe harder.

>Verification not required.

>> No.56563741 [View]
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If you just want a degree to flex, why not do medicine for the salutation change? Infinitely more prestigious than law, and you have added bonus of instantly silencing anyone who asks "well, are YOU a doctor?" when you criticize vaccination campaigns, public health policies, psychiatry (not even allopathic medicine desu), bullshit diet and exercise advice, etc.

>> No.56156095 [View]
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Schizophrenics really cant understand cause and effect.
It could start raining and you would find a way to make it related to link.
Bitcoin dumped because of the FOMC meeting like it always does.
Now go take your meds unironically.

>> No.56116959 [View]
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Kek linkies are the equivalent of literal paranoid schizophrenics rambling about gangstalking. suffering constant fear and paranoia of baseless illogical conspiracies.
No schizo, the red cars driving by your house arent fbi agents crashing the price of link to torture you.
>Take your meds (seriously)

>> No.53439436 [View]
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>> No.53289803 [View]
File: 33 KB, 591x708, 1673700638283883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nurse! This patient is having is have delusions again, he thinks his favorite shitcoin is worth $1000 when its only $6, hes also having delusions of persecution by the illuminati transexuals of bulgaria. Im prescribing 20mg lithium to be taken orally twice daily.

>> No.53281664 [View]
File: 33 KB, 591x708, 1673700638283883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I saw a man who was about to eat an apple that i knew was poisoned, it is my duty to my fellow citizen to warn him of the grave danger.

>> No.52988067 [View]
File: 33 KB, 591x708, gigachad doctor standing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dehydration lowers testosterone and can even cause impotence.

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