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>> No.1144321 [View]
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>ETH is a memecoin

1) In order to get Eth, you need BTC.

As an 'outsider', I look at this as a classic, yet very basic, marketing-tactic for BTC. I've seen that Eth will be able to get by other payment forms in the future, but when will this be? If anyone could clear that up, it might help to better understand Eth's possibilities and eliminate the idea that it's been called to live to pump up BTC.

2) Eth is a complete mystery (to newbies).

I still can't wrap my head around this, but putting some autistic feller on stage 'trying to explain' what Eth is, was the worst mistake - ever. This gives me two conclusions;

- It's not their first and most definitely not their last (huge) mistake.
- They have no idea how to market their coin/platform - which is worrying to say the least.

To me, the only logical outcome when I combine 1) + 2) = disaster for Eth (it won't reach the masses this way) and it's actually possible (according to the above assumptions) that this is basically a thing to pump up BTC.

If you understand the above, do you agree that Eth is simply made to pump up BTC or not? Please elaborate your answers and have this sorted out, once and for all.

>> No.1139213 [View]
File: 156 KB, 720x720, eth-is-a-memecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening (Dutchfag here), Gentlemen.

I've been lurking and lurking, rarely replying on anything posted here - mostly because its all quite weak minded stuff (exceptions excluded, there are some true bro's here who gove solid advice every now and then).

But, since all this 'Eth' stuff, there is only one thing I can see as a reason for all the 'hype' about this coin/platform.

I say 'hype', because as a (big) data analyst/reputation manager (involves loads of measuring and research - if done well), there is no hype to be found - at all. Cucks can find this fact (!) out for themselves by simply comparing the 'real' hyped coins (BTC) and its hype-history what some on /biz are claiming to be a hype, or better said 'a populair coin that is rising (to the moon, etc.)' by checking Google Trends.

Except owning some BTC myself (yes, from way back in the day) and getting some Eth recently (just in case, you might know the feeling), I know very little to nothing about these digital currencies. Trading is right down my lane, so that part is no mystery for me.

So, some things came to mind whilst gathering some interest and information in these currencies (especially Eth) and why people here are so focussed on (what appears to be) a dream ("what if it goes like BTC", and so on).


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