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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.13700657 [View]
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>german autist Klaus (Blackstone) develops a privacy messenger for 4 years
>thinks he can make it decentralized by using a blockchain
>too much of a sperglord to do an ICO
>partners up with some faggot business guy Pete who says he'll take care of the business side with him as CEO
>they do an ICO and promise a privacy platform that would allow people to build decentralized apps with native privacy
>the messenger developed by Blackstone would be the first dapp on the platform
>/biz/ buys into the ICO big time
>Blackstone continues working on the messenger and assumes Pete will hire more developers to develop the actual dApp platform
>Pete freezes the ICO funds, takes a 3 months vacation and buys a Tesla
>Blackstone threatens to quit if Pete doesn't either unfuck himself or resign as CEO and release the funds
>Blackstone gets BTFO by Pete cause he's actually the CEO, his wife is a lawyer while Blackstone is just some autist developer that doesn't know shit about business
>Blackstone rage-quits
>Pete can't do shit without Blackstone, but he still has 4 million dollars
>invents this shit called Odin to keep the bagholders busy and postpone a lawsuit
>gives them huge bonuses on the airdrop (so they can dump on you now)
>"hires" a team to develop the project
>they don't do jack shit cause their purpose is to pretend to do work and for Pete to avoid a lawsuit while he keeps the 4 million: "hurr durr at least we tried, guys. Not my fault that the project failed"
>actually brainwash the retarded bagholders that this is actually a community project so he can distance himself even more and be less liable when it fails
>apparently not they launch a half-assed messenger (protip: Blackstone already released one almost 2 years ago)
>this messenger is now hyped up by the bagholders as a big deal so you can buy their heavy bags

>> No.12985438 [View]
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This is a well known scam. Not in the sense that OP scammed a chink, but in the sense that the chink is the scammer. OP is also probably a chink. What he's trying to accomplish with this thread is to make retards believe that he got contacted by a chink and he scammed him. He's basically prepping you so that when you get contacted by a chink in Discord you go "hurr durr, this is the same shit that happened to OP from 4chan. I bet I can get some BTC from this chink too." That's when you get rekt.

Had to block like 6 chinks on Discord in the last month that tried to pull this shit on me.
PSA over. You're welcome.

>> No.9891994 [View]
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Unironically this is the biggest question that /biz/ never asked itself. When people start asking this question it will be too late. My short term goal is to get rid of all my shitcoins that will be made redundant by Holo and go something like
80% Holo
20% blockchain

>> No.9625757 [View]
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>implying you bagholders haven't constantly been losing money for the past year and you actually need to FUD to buy more
>look guys I'm accumulating more link even though it has been BTFO my portfolio since forever; I didn't have time to buy more the other 100 other times when the price was shit, but I'm FUDing to buy now right now

give me a fucking break

>> No.9360594 [View]
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literally every top 100 project you're buying right now is x10-x10000 from ICO. Can we drop this brainlet argument already?

>> No.8044345 [View]
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>point out the obvious market cycle that every "whitepaper revolutionary project" goes through
>get accused of FUD as if I'd actually want to buy this and catch a falling knife again

I'm willing to bet that you got into crypto in the past 6 months. You have that semi-deluded optimism that is specific to people that are new to crypto.
No oldfag on biz would dare to disagree with me, cause most of us have seen this shit before and we will see it again. We don't talk about this often cause we make money off of you.
You should try talking less and listening more. Even though this board is 99% shit, sometimes you might find something useful. Or you could ignore everything that is outside your echo-chamber let experience be a teacher for you.

>> No.6745404 [View]
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newfriends don't know this but there used to be threads here daily about ARK with 150+ replies. Now you don't see shit around here. What happened?
a) ARK is shit and everyone gave up on it
b) everyone is fucking accumulating and laying low so they don't stir the shit

You know how I know it's not a)? If that were true, I'd be top 100 ranked wallet in biz_classic due to massive sell off. That's not happened. Quite the opposite actually. I keep dropping in rank cause everyone is quietly buying more.

Anyway, this thread wasn't meant for oldfags on biz cause I know they still have their ARK and buying more and most likely they are the ones FUDing the shit out of it. It's for the influx of normies that came during december and have no idea wtf is going on. DYOR normans and board the ARK.

This thread can die for all I care. If it moons, it moons. If it drops, I'll wait until another one of my shitcoins moons so I can buy more.

>> No.5162322 [View]
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I went to reddit once thinking I'll find useful information. It took me less than 30 minutes to see that it's only an echo-chamber. It is objectively worse than biz.

>> No.3883000 [View]
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It's current market cap is based on the SWIFT/SIBOS hype. It literally has nothing else going for it. When (not if), but when nothing happens after SIBOS, guess what happens to Link? It will crash to shit and it will take years to recover. It's the definition of overvalued.

There are coins right now that have much lower market cap, a proper roadmap ahead and their value doesn't depend on a single event that is 90% wishful thinking.

Unless you faggots are holding this shit with the intention to sell right before SIBOS, I don't know how you can shill this shit here with a straight face.

1. you're either stupid
2. you're the typical /biz/tard that want to bamboozle normies into buying his bags.

Either way, you can suck my dick.

>> No.3356209 [View]
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Someone explain to me how will BAT be worth anything if it depends on:
1. User adoption of a browser that has a market share that is almost non-existant. Yeah I know it will grow in time, because it's really easy to take market share from Chrome.
2. Advertiser and Publisher adoption. Because when advertising companies want to advertise, they are really looking for those edgy neckbeards that use a browser that no one has heard of. And of course publishers really want to limit their revenue by showing the ads to 0.05% of their audience, right guys?

Fuck me you guys are stupid as fuck. I actually wanted to write a long post a few days ago that went in to detail on how to judge the companies that are in the crypto scene, but I gave up when I realised what dumb cunts most of you are.

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