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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57062074 [View]
File: 20 KB, 256x300, Anywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot.
Only zoomers or NEETs who never had to deal with bureaucracy and red tape are ok with centralization.

I can literally take my phone and send 200k to buy some retarded shit right now in 10s while the bank wouldn't let me move more than 3k without calling them first and asking them nicely to authorize moving MY money, all while having to justify myself (which is NONE of their fucking business).

Same thing when it comes to investing, there is an insane amount of middleman fees that really serves no purpose but filling the pocket of some boomers companies. It made sense 50 years ago when everything was on paper, not these days with the internet.

You are nothing without money in our world, if you can't have complete sovereignty over your own then you're just a serf.

>> No.56731032 [View]
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I'm french and the ministry of culture has a yearly budget of 4 billionsher.

Only 25% of that goes to maintaining heritage.
Another 25% goes to corrupt production companies producing garbage leftist propaganda to air and films noone ever watch (which is why they have to rely on gibs)
Another 18% goes to building libraries and "mediatheques" in nafri districts (that they will inevitably burn during the next riots).
8% goes to the press (95% leftist in France, in fact they even have a niche to be exempted from taxes) and a legion of state funded channels/radio/websites when it could be downsized to 1.
20% is used directly by the ministry so they can travel and assist to some Molière play at the Odéon and play the celebrity at the Cannes Festival (which is also funded by another ministry funnily).
7% goes to book editors (that noone reads) and public libraries (which really could just all be removed for a single online one). Just keep the BnF which hosts archive and historic prints.

You could cut 2/3 of the budget (not even talking about the public workers) just here and it wouldn't impact France. In fact it would probably kickstart a cultural rebirth because artists would have to create shit people would pay to watch instead of having the state taking the loss for them.

>> No.56685480 [View]
File: 20 KB, 256x300, Anywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not 100% fucked yet but you will be if you continue, Crypto.com has set up their EU HQ in France last year.

The EU has passed rules in May forcing all cryptocompanies providing services to european citizens to report all their transactions to the states and they all share infos.

If I was you I would cancel the card, close your crypto.com account and start directly redeeming to your bank account then declare on it then wait a few years before cashing out big.
The chances of getting caught with small amounts is low, the real danger is the moment you try to redeem a very large sum to buy something expensive (stocks/house/car/etc...), this will be immediately flagged by automated systems and if you don't have a track record of declaring your cryptos they will come to fuck you 100% and start to dig.

>> No.55625374 [View]
File: 20 KB, 256x300, ab67706c0000da849a080fca13728dd4ab68c36e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a printing press the numbers can be anything they want them to be.

>> No.55292839 [View]
File: 20 KB, 256x300, 1686317669956059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys are faggots with nothing to live for
>making the video even ironically

I have so much bullshit going on at any one time I don't even have energy to be depressed
>managing my money and taxes (imagine having only a w2 income lmao)
>riding my motorcycle
>working on my motorcycle and shitbox car
>working on my house
>swimming at beach/ponds/rivers
>venturing into the diverse side of town for multicultural enrichment (mexican and chinese food)
>brainstorming and working on biz ideas
>learning an instrument
>cooking food (pizza is dead simple, you can even buy premade dough)

brb I have done maybe 15 min of work and I'm going to take my lunch and sit in the sun and reflect on just how grateful I am with how my life turned out and I can literally attribute it 50/50 split to /g/ and /biz/. Thanks frens.

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