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>> No.59632525 [View]
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>> No.59548793 [View]
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>have not said shit worthwhile ever
Just like you. All your posts have been complaining. People have been making meme edits for years and the only one bothered by it is you. If you want to discuss something, do it. Otherwise stop being a faggot.

>> No.59518368 [View]
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You bought btc at 100k, didn't you?

>> No.59460706 [View]
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>price of gme currently where it was 2 days ago
>price of spy currently where it was 1 month ago

>> No.59320576 [View]
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Remember when they changed how short interest is calculated? Remind me when that happened. Surely it wasn't directly after any massive stock market events involving short sellers.

>> No.59135525 [View]
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>price goes up

>> No.59052212 [View]
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You not only cared enough to post here but you cared enough to say "I don't actually care"

>> No.58989522 [View]
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>those who simply held onto cash
So gamestop then

>> No.58931377 [View]
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My common sense told me to double down when gme was below $11

>> No.58899750 [View]
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They love to associate this stock with reddit (just like MSM ALWAYS does) because they want to enforce the notion that "this is 4chan, we're supposed to hate reddit here!" All it does is indicate very superficial knowledge of this website. I like this stock because I like the company and I dislike hedge funds that use predatory short selling to kill companies. If all you do is come here to complain that this is a "reddit" stock, then you are suspicious as fuck.

>> No.58764429 [View]
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So then the stock price would start going up, as the short sellers would have no reason left to suppress the price.

>> No.58760579 [View]
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>> No.58712912 [View]
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Let's see, I bought nearly 2000 shares of gme in April, and now those shares are currently up 140%. If I had bought nvda in April, those shares at best would be up 68%. I'm pretty sure I made the right decision.

>> No.58695061 [View]
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You know what they say, fight fire with fire

>> No.58689975 [View]
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Well if that bothers you remember that Ryan Cohen is the largest individual shareholder of Apple

>> No.58688018 [View]
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I guess thats what the courts will decide

>> No.58666944 [View]
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Then why does the price mysteriously keep hitting that $80 wall? Seems to me certain parties do not want the price of gme going above $80. Unless all of those times were just coincidences. Is that what you are saying?

>> No.58657827 [View]
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How can anyone here be liable for starting a short squeeze when the hedgies and the media said all shorts closed? Hasn't the media been saying all this time that a short squeeze was just a conspiracy theory? They have no reason to be concerned about a squeeze since they said it was impossible after all. Or were they lying?

>> No.58648747 [View]
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If the stock price were somehow to go back to $10, the market cap would be about $4 billion while the company has $4 billion in cash without debt. Would that make any sense at all? The stock price is not going back to $10. If you didn't slurp those cheapies, you missed out for good.

>> No.58637698 [View]
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If the short squeeze wasn't going to happen, there wouldn't be any reason at all for anyone to hate the stock, especially since it is in a clear uptrend right now. So the fact that there are still so many stock bashers here day after day desperately trying to force any negativity they can leads me to believe that shorts in fact still haven't closed.

>> No.58630081 [View]
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Seems like they've been planning something for a while and that is why there was a sudden need for more cash to close a deal.

>> No.58627569 [View]
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>Stalling the meeting to bait the algos

>> No.58620246 [View]
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You next week

>> No.58610797 [View]
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Price was too low

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