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>> No.2487253 [View]
File: 68 KB, 683x744, SWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sigh don't you ever get tired of this you faggot? 3 days on the trot and you're still going with the fud.

You fell for this in the other thread, where you thought the dip here was SWT, when it was ETH from two days ago.

Even tards on here don't have that short memories they can't remember that dips happen, fucking everything dipped two days ago.

>> No.2487232 [View]
File: 68 KB, 683x744, SWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel silly now you pajeeting faggot?

That was ETH's chart for two days ago.

This is ENTIRELY normal in crypto, where news / whatever pumps value up, then it falls off sharply as people sell, slowly returns to normal, then rinse and repeat.

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