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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.16403732 [View]
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All the good website ideas are taken and people are set in their ways. What do?

>> No.8800497 [View]
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>having to resort to gooks

>> No.8377474 [View]
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If you all bought bitcoin RIGHT NOW we would moon. Do it.

>> No.7278403 [View]
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post your representation of perfection

>> No.6002580 [View]
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>> No.5628373 [View]
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I would lean towards sumokoin over aeon but thats just slight gut feeling. XMR over every privacy coin

>> No.5545975 [View]
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You are 100% correct. Now convince the unstoppable word of mouth and shitty media train to fucking stop shilling it to the world.

>> No.4839502 [View]
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bump for answer. OP here, also a retard

>> No.4483193 [View]
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"Tech Mahindra and Power Ledger, a blockchain-based peer-to-peer electricity trading platform provider have announced a series of technology trials that aim at bringing the benefits of energy microgrid developments to India’s booming urban population"

Get. The. FUCK. in. NOW.

>> No.4111062 [View]
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But i don't, or can I produce a record of the price on purchase from a buttcoin wallet?

I'm a little unaware on the concept, as the whole reason I got this opportunity waa dumb luck, wrote down the wallet info, got otherwise distracted, found it years later.

If capital appreciation covers it and I can prove it or at least make it reasonably acceptable... alright then.

Lovely cons, friends. They'll work one day, I'm sure of it!

>> No.3787418 [View]
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Your life will change if you listen to what I'm about to write. Cap this shit.

I've made 1.7MM in crypto over the past 8 months from an initial investment of 60k. Do you understand the magnitude of this? I have completely changed my life through crypto. One day in late February my friend told me to check out investing in bitcoin and "this thing called Ethereum" and here I am 8 months later with the amount of money I would have made working the next TEN YEARS without spending anything (that's assuming great promotions and bonuses down the road). I didn't up my lifestyle much, I quit my job and have cashed out enough money to live for the next 3 years, bought a few things I needed, spent some on traveling for a total of three months, and have a chunk to start my business. And I STILL have about 900k invested in crypto (yes I pay my taxes you faggots, so if you're cashing out considerable amounts cut everything in half depending on where you live, do it, don't be stupid)

Crypto is a game changer, something like this will probably not happen again in our lives.

I'm telling you to get into EBOOST (ebst) right now. This shit is going to take off. 10-20x is very realistic, 30x is possible. There has been so much evidence for this coins mooning posted here the past few days, I'm sure you've seen it. It's at the ATL right now. I've purchases $250k of this coin and I'm going to be a multi millionaire in a couple months from this coin.

You have the chance of a lifetime right now. The risk is very low and the rewards might change your life. How much can this coin crash? It can't really go much lower but if you wait you might miss the moon.

all coins are in circulation, market cap is around $12 million. Major partnerships are being announced later this month. This will go at least 10x, possibly 20-30x.

Get in on this ride Biz bros. People will mock me for saying this but I've made a lot of money off this board and I'm giving back. See you on the moon anon.

>> No.3579054 [View]
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Just finished buying my Chain Link. I was FUDing all day but I don't think the price is going to go much lower and I don't want to risk it spiking before I got in.

Good luck my fellow Linkers this shit is going to moon so fucking hard lol.

This coin is ANS at one dollar
This coin is OMG at 70 cents

fuckkk I'm gonna be rich lol.

>> No.2645858 [View]
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Biz gains reward thread. What are you going to do with your newfound wealth?

I own a nice condo (paid off completely) in a major city and make about 140k a year. I invested 20k into crypto and have made 400k. I want to start getting blowjobs every day, how do I acoomplish this?

I figure a good blowjob should cost about $300 a pop? I'm a decent looking guy who is fit and can get laid regularly if I manage to control my raging autism/aspergers, so I figure I can get a few regular girls to come see me.

If I pull out 36.5k, I could get a blowjob every three days for a year which sounds very enticing.

I read that psychologically, people like me who see BJs as their main form of sexual pleasure either had too much or not enough attention as a child, but I'd rather just get blowjobs instead of see a therapist.

>> No.2524751 [View]
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I got the address and the terms of the SNT ico from my friend overseas. I will post here it here in this message. Obviously don't trust this and make sure to confirm for yourself, but this IS the Status ICO address that will go live at 7AM if you're in California. If you want to tip me for being such an awesome person, I will post my BTC and ETH address

Status ICO information

Recommended gas limit: 200,000

Maximum gas price: 50 Gwei

Startblock: 3903900 (I don't know what a start block is, but it says that)

If you want to throw some tips my way:

BTC: 1PAUHBFRVSsGrJdjtrmt2ozBDsRkXSvbap

ETH: 0xcd877dee96bdf0000955dfb53ed27598e08fafca

Good luck biz

>> No.2478540 [View]
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lol. Do you even believe yourself when you post anymore? I can literally feel your butthurt FOMO induced FUD through my wifi.
It's called a correction you stupid faggot, you think something just goes up 30x without dipping ever?
Even though you're a retarded fag you're still going to make money if you hold.
you'll make short term gains but you'll miss pluto missions
faggots squared
prove how much I have by giving free shit to you? are you retarded?
I don't really have many strategies, just buy in bulk and hold. That warren buffet quote is cliche but very true. I do day trade for fun though, have made a lot but it's akin to gambling.

>> No.2435727 [View]
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I have 10k Bancor. Selling for .15 ETH each. Will sell a max of 5k BNT... anyone want to make a deal?

>> No.2216704 [View]
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If you give me some good advice and paste your BTC address I will send a donation

>> No.2148902 [View]
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Investor who actually does research and makes money consistently here. Stay calm!

The only coins that matter:
BTC, ETH, XRP, DGB, LTC (kind of)

Everything else is a pump and dump. RDD has some potentially because it was literally meme'd into existence, so you can still make some gains on it, but it probably won't last.

BTC, nothing needs to be said, it will rise to $3000 by December. If you want to coast and not really worry invest here. Watch out for a major correction that could see a dip to $1500-1900 soon. Don't panic, it will rise above it and continue to do so.

XRP is very interesting. All the whales I know love XRP. It is backed by google and banks (forget about zcash, garbage). XRP is a serious contender for the future of crypto, do not under estimate and try to accumulate as much as possible. It will rocket any day, and we will have no warning.

ETH is also interesting. The same whales I know are very against ETH in favor of XRP. Their explanation is that it is completely overhyped for it's utility. I'm still holding (basically don't sell any coin unless it's something retarded like mooncoin or solarcoin), but you're going to be watching XRP, ETH, and DGB ascend over the next year. ETH's growth is slow but consistent.

Look to DGB as a replacement for LTC very soon, and will be a contender for BTC in the future. This is a long term coin with explosive potential, it will be over $1 in a year. 10 cents following the release of Digusign in June. The video game stuff is a very smart strategy and is interesting... but this coin has much bigger plans if you listen to the developers, who are incredible. Same with XRP, try to accumulate as much as possible while we are in a correction. This will make you a millionaire.

LTC is basically a place holder coin for DGB. I may dump this but holding for now.

Good luck boys, don't fall for scam coins and pump n dumps. RDD coin is ok for now but don't bet the farm on it... as you should never do with any coin.

>> No.2123556 [View]
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Should I cash out 2k of my DGB earnings to hire a high class escort to celebrate? Or should I just leave that 2k in and see it become 20k?

>> No.2102909 [View]
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I sunk $2.5k into RDD at the dip for 14 million coins.

Let's roll /biz/. Get in before it's too late.

roll into the lambo dealership.

>> No.2099725 [View]
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we taking this golden goose to 1 cent or what ;)

>> No.2081736 [View]
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Help me moon to Lamboland /biz/!!

My holdings-

$3k DGB (1.56M)
$2.8k ETH (31)
$2.3k LTC (87)
$2.2k BTC (1.28)
$1.8k GTN (9000)
$1.2k XBY (193k)
$250 SC (100k)
$100 BCN (200k)
$0 XRP (0) >sold at 0.26, buying 4k when it dips to .26 again

I have another 5k to invest.... Any tips?

>> No.2073446 [View]
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How am I looking /biz/? Am I heading towards lamboland or killmyself-ville?

$4k in GNT
$2.7k in ETH
$2.5k in LTC
$2k in XRP
$1.3k in DGB
$800 in XBY
$2k in BTC
$300 in SC
$100 in BCN

>> No.2067608 [View]
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I have 7k I'm going to drop into crypto today. I don't hold much BTC because it's going to crash soon, and I have 5k set aside for BTC when it does.

My current holdings are-

$4k in Golem
$2.5k in LTC
$2k in ETH
$300 in XRP
$600 spread in DGB, SC, BCN

Any recommendations bros? I too have dreams of mooning my way to lamboland.

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