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>> No.6466268 [View]
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pls kek

>> No.6460424 [View]
File: 45 KB, 388x372, Pepecry_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like shit every single day due to what their parents did to them as well as feeling guilty for faulting their parents? I feel like shit because I know it's pathetic to blame your family for your shortcomings but I just can't help but feel that everything could have been so much different.

Here's some of the ways my parents cucked me and my life:
>Never let me eat normally as a kid while growing up, they are fat and terribly unhealthy so they didn't understand basic nutrition - this surely stunted my mental and physical potential
>Made me have a terrible haircut and wear clothing that was not fashionable in the slightest, I was bullied for this a lot.
>Kept making me switch 5+ schools over my school life, impossible to keep any friends
>When I had developed progressively more severe acne they did not help me at all, this killed any hope of losing my virginity or making friends in early highschool. I even missed a lot of school as a result
>Did not allow me to do a sport, refused to even allow me to lift when I begged them for a gym membership as a teenager
>Refused to pay for driving lessons let alone a car and insurance while all the kids got to drive
>MEANWHILE my brother and sister got everything including their tuitions being paid for

Now I'm a pathetic skinnyfat incel manlet with acne scars who works a shitty job and dropped out of university because I realized "Why am I getting in debt when I am inferior?".

Does anyone else ever wonder "What if my parents just took the time to invest a basic amount of time and money to help their son actually have a future?"

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