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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.53147021 [View]
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Alright frens, those of you who are a May OG already know who I am.

I've been building a validator for us for a long time, and it's finally here. The name is Nova. The validator address is terravaloper16e75e62ztl6yzkulfck0p99d4cua9zjcdarnsz. It launched last night and we're already at rank #68 in the active set. The further we go into the active set, the more rewards everyone gets. I want to take down allnodes. They've fucked with the chain for far too long, have way too much voting power, and are an existential risk to the chain.

The burn tax is 0.2% because of their vote. Validators have abused the chain and voted however they want for far too long. They vote down VP reduction proposals. They vote for proposals that give them hand outs from the community pool. They profit at our expense.

This entire time we've been called vultures by the wider community for buying in after the crash so we can profit, and have been actively denied a voice by being excluded from airdrops, governance votes on the TUNA fork that never should have passed, actively muted in the Terra Rebels discord for calling out abuse of the community by validators, and had our cries fall on deaf ears of the validators we delegate with while they use OUR funds to FUCK us.

No more. We now have a voice and our funds won't be used against our own interests any longer. Nova will always vote according to polls that I put up in a Nova Discord server that I'll link in here at a later time. For now, I want to give anons the chance to get their stacks in early so they can get a larger portion of the rewards pool from the validator before normies become aware of the validator when I formally launch it on Monday.

To prove that this isn't a fuckin' larp, I just delegated 1.337 to Nova from the validator wallet that controls Nova. See TX 512A4E84B36EE0EFE4A470F41B3DA70ADA5BE0D8A644C434F4B4A2C51DD91EA6 on Terra Finder. Fire questions my way and I'll answer them as I can when I check this thread. WAGFMI frens.

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