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>> No.23841432 [View]
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To answer Your question it was suposed to be real Ethereum chain that didnt rolleback shit for anyone
Turns out narrative was pushed by huge whales (Barry islbert and Greyscale for start no1 etc bagholders) that wanted to take over ethereum
>What We learned:
EVERYTHING is social consensus and "code is law" is meme and I mean everything: from 21 mil btc to hacking ethereum state it all can be changed there is no immutable code
>What I learned:
Just follow devs if you make long term "investments" in this shitshow, devs are only capital needed to prosperv over time
And by devs I dont mean few hired guns ofc

>> No.23023498 [View]
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Easy ETH is dead, eth 1 sucks, eth2 is doa and all devs will leave this pos soon.

All daps will port to EOS because its 100x faster and XLM will steal icos ofc, just 1 more smartcontract bug before everyone move to ADA or TZX and lets not forget zilliqa and tomochain for novel approach to evm alternative and algorand and hashgraph because they are backed by some real vc money and they never loose.

Wait its not 2017/2018 anymore?

Than for 2020 we have: DOT,NEAR,SOL,AVAX,RDX specail for you
and pls dont forget ONE and FTM easy to plug in EVM so everyone will switch you can allready see it happening bro!
Also NEO is in commeback, NEM will rise from ashes and theres good chance we see comeback of Waves and ARK
But for really hi iq anons here and I see alot of them TRX because they will c/p any winning strategy so they are winners by default.

>> No.19324492 [View]
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Seen it all:
>lost 50 eth on ethroll
>dumped forked bch at 3.3k =1 bch
>lost money on cryptopia
>scammed some newfag for 20k
>dumped obsidian ath
>hodled comfido till bitter end
>dumped req ath
>holded eth from 1.4k to 80 and stil holding
>swong linkstack from 40k to 20k links
>got back in eth and btc at 80 and 3.5k
>bought bmw
>crashed it
>cashed our 390k
>could cash out 2.3 mil but didnt
>had lots of sex with crypto gains
>lost 3k entering wrong adress
>took 6m vacation with crypto gains

Had wins
Had losses
Seen it all
But I have never ever ever literally and unironically ever seen such a bunch of desperate pajeets and cringe memes like ONE and FTM bagholders

>> No.19244969 [View]
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What fud?
Cardano is not scam per se as 95% of shitcoins out there so theres that
Now tell me what does it do better than any of 32452345 sc paltforms bagholding cuck?
You al lare porb fags i dumped my bags on in 2018 kek

>> No.16374728 [View]
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>Ethereum is basically run by teenagers who have no idea what they're doing
Only project out there close to eth devs in quality are btc devs
Anon some of devs in just one of 7-10 eth 2.0 teams are ex google/fb superstars who quitted the job to work on eth, and thats only eth 2.0 deployment teams there are like 10 more researching teams and 100k+ application layer coders
I know consensys fails to market devs as all next eth killas but dont go full retard
No it is fucking not shit is permissioned and literally not crypto lol

Fucking BSV shills are less anoying than vs bagholding scum like you

>> No.16216296 [View]
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THIS IS WE MAKE FUN OF FANTOM PAJETS AND RETARDS (who actually believe in this shit) THREAD NOW!

>some "magic dubai partnership" going to pamp out bags up
>banks buying our bags we have telegram shills screenshots!!!
>we solved every blockchain problem 3455345 tps!!!!
>and price is just bleeding because we are to smart and found this gem rest of world just needs to catch up!!!
>no for real banks are in and there is no insider pumps because team is superlegit same as during ico!!!!
>team just made worlds next protocol for smartcontracts and money transfers and will conquer everything out there but they hold 0 ftm because they are superlegit

>> No.15777601 [View]
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I dont even make fun of you ONE bagholders shit is just sad by now...

It wasnt "next matic" in the end was it?

>> No.14446766 [View]
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>> No.14346066 [View]
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This, btc is big breakthrough for humanity but theres reson real developers in space refear it as "store of value" meme

If promising projext x starts as one thing, create army of early og-s and top buying bagholders, fails miserably one thing it's supposed to do as btc did as digital cash, than that same army of og's and bagholders create narrative how its "store of value" now and defend it as religious zealots to keep it going up pricewise:

how the fuck is it asset class and not failed project turned into multy level marketing?

>> No.14345929 [View]
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Dont hope think

>market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent
>30+ new employees
>10+ huge projects this year (fairx, interstellar dap https://interstellar.com, this new venezuela usd savins shit etc)
>ww yet to go big time viral
>fud trough the roof (jessy leaving ibm, libra same usecase etc) so perfect time to accumulate

Bonus is IF ww fails, IF libra is launches with no problems and murders xlm market share.. still time to scale out its big liquidity shitcoin with minimal price swings

>> No.14088108 [View]
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And before "sold eth for 30$ memes" I was there literally everyone in space buzzed about eth, real statement droping partnerships left and right, this is NOTHING like it its literally another binance pump thats all..

>> No.14069352 [View]
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Who gives shit lol

>There is 3 big pos testnets allready, beacon chain is groundwork for scaling;
>there are 3 huge (like 250 pajet shitcoins teams per team big) teams doing 3 directions of scaling reaserch (serenity-sharding, plasma, and vlads -casper);
>there are over 20 tokenised project doing only scaling (raiden, matic, etc);
>there is like 300 projects that depeand on eth scaling (mkr,bat,augur etc) all having 0 doubt it will scale eventually;
>there are projects that will just empower sc economy once it is mainstream (link);
>there are "competitors" working on plug in to eth solutions wonder why (eos,ada -etc);
>first of big 4 is betting on eth mainnet with 10 year long plan spending big resources (EY);

and yet space is full of;
>next eth shitcoins;
>cant scale narative;
>secret mooncoins that are gonna "save eth";
>competitors that are building shit from 0 but "it will be better";

>> No.14058171 [View]
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Do you think my post was some kind of joke? Why are you such a cowards?
Fantom will be the reason ethrum is destroyed
Mark my word

>> No.13939157 [View]
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Nice projection. Also besides the point hahahahaha the amount of cope is henious anon you are really butthurt I can tell

>> No.13860335 [View]
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Thanks for proving my point. There’s no way 2 people are dumb enough to both agree on this trash lmao congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.13817574 [View]
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I’ve tried to warn you faggots multiple times. Captain has been memeing and dumping on you guys for months now. Lol some people just never learn

>> No.13712089 [View]
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Why yes I am a shadowlink holder however did thoust know?

>> No.13698321 [View]
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Dear poorfag pajet.

Explain me how i can not stuck in illiquid shitcoin and ill pump it 300% and dump on you fags

>protip: you cant

>> No.13692115 [View]
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>haha guess what I code
>guess that means I know more about tech than you, heh...
this is why I only hire 2nd or 3rd world programmers, they know their place

>> No.13682460 [View]
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The fact that you don’t realize how you pathetic you are by shilling this rigged scam on biz multiple times a day is boggling. Let’s keep this thread bumped so everyone can see how much of a deceitful piece of dogshit you are.

>> No.13675988 [View]
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Hope you married her already and threw away the prenup. Dat right there is a keeper

>> No.13657490 [View]
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>> No.13639697 [View]
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>hurrrrrrrr why is she getting the attention and not me!!!!! I’m going to make a thread so people can see what my feelings are. This is so unfair!!!

>> No.13622553 [View]
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Cope harder lmfao!!!!

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