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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.52686146 [View]
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thank you for the consneesion

>> No.52672826 [View]
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the simple sneed reply is truly the greatest joy to receive when shilling
it's quite literally all but an omission to the fact that you have zero plausible rebuttal and must resort to covering your ears going
utterly delicious
a delicacy for the /gme/ shill to enjoy

>> No.52668055 [View]
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watch your mouth when speaking to me goid
i have the grand shill bible googledoc to prove it

>> No.52547452 [View]
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>gets BTFO by chadshill so he resorts to picking on some 4pbtid
i'm right here faggot
post BBBY (or any stock) gains
you... you DO have gains?

>> No.52489535 [DELETED]  [View]
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the simple sneed reply is truly the greatest joy to receive when shilling
it's quite literally all but a concession to the fact that you have zero plausible rebuttal and must resort to covering your ears going "LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU"
truly a delicacy for the /gme/ shill to enjoy

>> No.52470730 [View]
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>> No.51523073 [View]
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>he doesn't know i get paid double for broken (You)'s and triple for non-(You)'d references
Keep seething you fucktard

>> No.51499154 [View]
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only the great villains of history are remembered

>> No.51491343 [View]
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>where’s that mario day
>where’s that march 19th pixelfaggot DD
>where’s that april 16th DFV double down
>where’s that over voted share count
>where’s that negative beta
>where’s that DTTC rule changes
>where’s that quad witching day
>where's that bastille day
>where’s that 741
>where’s that 10:1 buy/sell ratio
>where’s that epic redditnigger attobitch house of cards DD
>where’s that epic redditnigger criand everything bubble DD
>where’s that evergrande collapse
>where’s that new distribution warehouse
>where’s that amazon takeover
>where's that stock split pump
>where's that dividend pump
>where's that wu-tang album
>where's that shareholders’ meeting pump
>where’s that forward guidance
>where's that DOJ investigation
>where's that RICO investigation
>where’s that loopring pump
>where’s that immutable x pump
>where's that jpeg marketplace pump
>where’s that Pulte pump
>where’s that (((Dave Lauer packet loss)))
>where’s that gameonanon faggoty mystery
>where’s that blockchain stock market
>where’s that NFT dividend
>where's that DRS owned float
>where’s that ‘RC bought BBBY to squeeze le hedgies’
>where’s that ‘RC sold BBBY to squeeze le hedgies’
>where's that opex cycle
>where’s that post-crypto crash pump
>where’s that post-market crash pump
>where’s that basket stocks swap
>where’s that july 4th
>where’s that 101 days of 100% utilization
>where’s that shill discord
>where’s that GMErica
>where’s that DTTC international fraud
>where’s that t+nigger for the splividend
>where’s that buy buy baggot announcement
>where’s that t+nigger for BBBY regSHO
>where’s that BBBY CFO ‘murder’
>where’s that FTX gift card partnership pump
>where’s that ethereum merger
>where’s that RC masterplan
>where’s that single profitable quarter since the squeeze
>where's that new ATH
>where's that hedgie ledging
>where’s that ‘sneed shillies this will never take 20 months’
>where's that MOASS

>> No.51437765 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Or what, you gonna call the jannies to protect you from wrongthink?

>tldr; yes
>source: my return from my latest comfy-thread-retention-officer visit
reminder for shills that 20 months ago if you told baggies there would be no MOASS 20 months later they would sneed you
reminder for baggies that in 20 months from now there will still be no MOASS

strap in for another comfy night goids
(short for baggoids)

>> No.51274701 [View]
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>he STILL can't detect chadshill posting from petty-shilling
>he's STILL afraid to utter the name chadshill
kek faggot
you call yourself a schizo?
kill yourself

you'll never be me

>> No.51206270 [DELETED]  [View]
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>switching to broken (You)'s mid beatdown as a last resort
>hasn't been here long enough to know i get paid double for broken (You)'s

>> No.51184518 [View]
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if tomorrow comes and bobby's announcement ends up being a nothingburger both bobby and jimmy will tank and i will relentlessly kek baggies all day tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.51111694 [View]
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based baggie-keking life-haver
i eagerly await your return in four (4) weeks when the jimmy (((splividend))) t+nigger dates and bobby's niggerSHO result in more downwards crabbing and another round of baggie coping

>> No.51093045 [View]
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reminder that i don't post here daily and that if you were a pre-DOTR baggoid you'd know this by now
>hint: there are no pre-DOTR posters left
>ask yourself why...
reminder that the heckin split did NOTHING and now you're back at the 120 death-crab-zone KEK
reminder that you trusted King K only to watch him financially vaporize your fellow bagbros
reminder that you WILL come up with another cope, you WILL try to sneed me, and i WILL keep coming back to remind you that i've been right this entire time and you've been W R O N G

one sec

*clears throat*


>> No.51023064 [View]
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i actually get paid to post here
you would too if your FUDing wasn't absolute garbage tier
you are an ant beneath my boot

>> No.51003300 [View]
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>any reference to chadshill results in a generous deposit from kennoid into my TD Canada Trust Unlimited Chequing Account

>> No.50998174 [View]
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>the only people afraid of bans are the ones who depend on posting here to get paid
next question

>> No.50996370 [View]
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>won't broken (You) my trips
daily reminder that i get paid double for broken (You)s

>> No.50924298 [View]
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>he doesn't know i get paid double for broken (You)s with a bonus for replies containing 'sneed'

>> No.50897092 [View]
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did mushrooms for the first time today
very enlightening experience
anyways just came here to kek the baggies
kill yourselves
daily reminder that i handmog you and that the (((splividend))) didn't do SHIT and that DOTR took the lives of more baggies than you'd like to admit

>> No.50824953 [View]
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>> No.50761060 [View]
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>getting this much OC dedicated to me
nobody will remember you once you rope yourself for the crab

>> No.50760760 [View]
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hourly reminder i get paid handsomely to kek baggies

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