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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.52934119 [View]
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XCM value is realistically downstream of MARS, particularly since XCM yield itself (and possibly buyback percentages) will almost certainly be reduced over time. So you have to ask yourself how sustainable yield offerings are for big crypto projects (LINK, ETH, ADA, MATIC, whatever) in the long term, and then how much of that Coinmetro can capture, and then do the math on how much of that is distributed to XCM holders. I suspect XCM's target value is not absurdly high, and that it will get there rather slowly, but with the corollary that it will be far more stable than anything comparable that we've seen so far; since it will be dependant on the success of the aggregate of all of the MARS projects- not the actual/perceived fortunes of Coinmetro itself. I like to think of it as eventually approaching a de facto crypto ETF.

>Most exchanges have zero USPs
Absolutely true. My point though is that a USP that isn't supported properly is equally worthless.

>I don't agree they should have advertised it. They never should have released it as it was at all
Second part is fair- and you clearly have a much better understanding of how it worked than I do. As for first part- when I talk about 'support', I don't mean advertising (which I think is overrated in crypto, particularly for the type of repeat-user client CM is after- anyone who bangs on about ad spend just doesnt get the market). Coinmetro has a number of people on staff who were/are actual traders. They could have very easily looked in on what Harald (who was basically the entire problem as far as I can tell) was doing. Same goes for keeping tabs on Kaddex or whatever. I completely get that it isn't CM's responsibility- but when they have chosen to go the route of a limited number of products/projects on offer, hands off doesn't work out. And if they want to go truly hands off, then list dog coins, it's no worse for their reputation.

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