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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.24643680 [View]
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how about you subtract the "intel" and "faggot" portion of your question and retry to ask it.

>How does holding a token benefit the founders?
If that requires explaining to you, I'm sorry, we cannot have a fruitful discussion about more advanced topics.

>> No.24361184 [View]
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haha yeah I'm the retard. Go start. business in 2020 then bitch. Even before Covid, investing in even BOOMER stocks has a better ROI than probably 50% of of avg. small-business vs avg. investor. You're just a faggot bad at math that thinks you're gonna make the best ever hoagie in your little faggot sandwich shop for a couple months before you go out of business. Fuck being immediately profitable with investing, go right ahead and slog through running a business in the modern era you stupid faggot.

>> No.24352161 [View]
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>$44mil market cap
>low cap

>> No.24128301 [View]
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This guy is a fucking RETARD

>> No.23661942 [View]
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>> No.23628293 [View]
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wat? pls think.

>> No.23472961 [View]
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oh sorry forgot I was on reddit. why don't you fucking draw your own conclusions based on the data I gave you faggot?

>> No.22378529 [View]
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that satoshi, what a prank-lord!! who knew he programmed Bit Coin to bleed in September always!

p.s.- post that chart that all the other epic old-lords post around here, the one with the red bar on September

>> No.21105168 [View]
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>ETH is a shitcoin

>> No.4826112 [View]
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>he bought normiecoin

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