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>> No.15458268 [View]
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Jews are genetically more intelligent than other races on average and they have a strong sense of ethnic identity and community. They're naturally talented and help each other get ahead and that's why so many are at the upper echelons of various industries. They're not going out their way to undermine other races, but because they're at the helm of so many capitalist industries and enterprises (whose sole purpose IS to subjugate, maginalize and disenfranchise humans by extracting surplus value from their labor) it creates the illusion of a racially motivated conspiracy.

Women and men differ on average in many regards both physically and mentally. On the one hand, it's perfectly reasonable to expect that these on-average differences in ability and preference would manifest in the labor market as unequal worker representation and yes, even pay, in various industries. On the other hand, there is enough overlap in men and women's bell curve distribution of most abilities that we can't use the law of averages to say anything about any particular individual. Women might on average be worse at math than men but 45 times out of 100 a woman picked out of a crowd at random might be better at math than a random male. So each individual should be given the benefit of the doubt to prove their unique abilities and pursue their unique interests.

The same rules apply e.g. for race, social background, rich or poor, etc.

Most things that look like vast continent-spanning conspiracies are best understood as basic, unchanging, hardwired features of the human brain/psyche being expressed independently in similar environmental situations that evoke those responses. E.G. the conspiracy of some global elite operating in the shadows to flood first world countries with migrants is better understood as multiple instances of world leaders running the budget and seeing a short-term financial or demographic incentive to letting migrants into a country, and acting accordingly.

>> No.14480915 [View]
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>Think of all the situations you have repressed and objectively observe them with the question "is this normal?" in your mind.
Well no doubt it wasnt ideal in the sense that I was never raised in stable surroundings and there were a lot of awkward moments where our relative poverty and lack of care from our mother came into contrast with those of my peers in school but at least nobody was raping or beating me as a child.
If I explore this further and find it at the route of my mental problems with other peoples money today, what is there to gain from it? I always knew we were poor growing up in every sense, emotionally and monetarily, though it wasnt until adulthood did I realise what real poverty looked like and a better understanding of my childhood wont change what I've experienced since.
When I was sleeping rough and having to deal with junkies, criminals, niggers etc on the daily, sums as low as $20 could make or break me, compared to those days my childhood was an idyllic paradise. Compared to those days my shitty life a 1000 miles away now is a paradise.

The more I think about it, it is psychological, its a combination of trauma and dissociation, so there must be a solution. Even though I never impose myself on others regarding this, I do want both what others are given freely like a petulant child and for those people to realise how bad things can really be for their own benefit, so they never end up spiraling down like I did.

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