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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.51053772 [View]
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>Russia just proved to the entire world that it’s a useless paper tiger.

You can cope all you want Anon, doesnt change the fact that they produce unbelievable amounts of oil and LNG. Both of which, Europe and the rest of the world needs.
Lets not even get started on food production, wheat and such... see picrel.

I fully understand feeling passionately about something. But you people really are delusional. Russia is a lot more relevant than you can imagine.

Furthermore, most of africa relies on them, just to mention a few. America is really pushing it, to first force Europe through this energy and food crisis, and then force the African nations to reject goods and services from Russia which they desperately need.

Africa is not happy, and Europeans are not happy. America is destroying more than they can imagine with this foolish policy of sanctioning Russia. -Especially since the US were the ones who provoked this conflict in Ukraine by their coup d'etat back in 2014.

Take a second to wipe the tears and google "BRICS". America is severing ties with the rest of the world, forcing Russia and China to work closer together.

>It’s military is filled with underequipped Mongolians who can’t even fight a modern war.
Yawn. You know its not true. We can argue here but you know Russia has a great military for what it is. And at least they arent Trannies and LGBTQ like the American forces?

>Everyone hates Russia now and NATO just gained nations.
Sure, but thats hardly a good thing for anyone. It just means that provocations will continue and this wont deescalate. -Which would be the best for the world.

The rest of your incoherent drivel is not even worth addressing.
You are one of the dumbest lowlifes I've seen on /biz/ for quite a while.

>inb4 Ivan
Yea bub, everyone who disagrees is russian... Schitzoid...

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