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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.13144944 [View]
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>> No.13025482 [View]
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Checked and based

>> No.12950802 [View]
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This fucking guy. Absolute G

>> No.12945565 [View]
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Not everyone has a shitty familly life anon. I get along very well with my folks, we both save money on taxes by staying together and we have our personal lives with clear boundaries. I don't understand how people can't live with their famillies until they get married.

>> No.12919489 [View]
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is there anything sadder and more dystopian than wagecucks taking Adderall to wagecuck harder for Shekelberg?

>> No.12897111 [View]
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who here /madeit/

bought Eth in 2016 and I never have to work a day in my life

thanks /biz/

>> No.12897048 [View]
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Strong AI will raise the value of being sociable and beautiful, not having autistic high IQ. The only people who will still have jobs are Chad salesmen and Stacy hostesses/prostitutes serving the upper class.

If you’re not already rich by the time AI comes out, you will be beyond fucked no matter how smart you convinced yourself you are (lol at thinking you’re smart if you didn’t become a millionaire in 2017).

>> No.12877856 [View]
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That's what we want. It's a huge difference when you have financial independence instead of an endless grind getting nowhere.

>> No.12837130 [View]
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sold my stack for 5% gains
>if you cant beat em join em

>> No.12829861 [View]
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>> No.12790238 [View]
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tether up for the retrace

>> No.12749157 [View]
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what about no?
i'm a comfy neet and you are a ragie wagie

>> No.12629899 [View]
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> 500k in liquid assets
> I usually keep <1k in bank account
It makes me feel poor to have almost no money left in my bank account which in turn makes me spend less money.

>> No.12629386 [View]
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I’m self-employed but larp as a autistic NEET

>> No.12629089 [View]
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> tfw background in finance
> tfw 500k net worth
> tfw educated my mom about investing, optimizing her mortgage, taxes etc. and she actually listened
> tfw I now manage most of her pension (~$1MM)
> tfw she owns a 600k apartment
> tfw she owns 50% of a 200k family vacation house
> tfw she has started putting money into stocks besides her pension
> tfw she plans on buying her own vacation house within 5-10 years
> tfw when she “wants to leave something for me and my sister when she’s not here anymore”
> tfw dad is terrible with money but I convinced him to buy a house
> tfw dad has a solid pension plan
> tfw when dad has started asking me about investing out of nowhere

>> No.12561891 [View]
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no I always hodl minimum a year for tax reasons. here in krautland it is taxfree if you hodl for > a year :]

>> No.12551581 [View]
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>exactly the type of person who would support some thot or send money to bitches patreaons

LMAO does it piss you off that I had the power to DECLINE an interview?

Also I'm not into 3D and wouldn't ever dream of paying thots to fund their lifestyles. But sounds like you're projecting your insecurities too hard here lad. Chill.

>> No.12481292 [View]
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>NEETs are worms that should get taken care of by firing squads and mass unmarked graves.

I have no problem with this desu senpai

>> No.12453385 [View]
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i just pinned my quad while taking a dump

>> No.12405604 [View]
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how dare you insult me with such despicable accusations

>> No.12392909 [View]
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>tfw neet and comfy in Canada

>> No.12375731 [View]
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Based. I just tried it. Felt pretty good desu.

>> No.12341558 [View]
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if it makes you feel any better I see literally droves of roasties on Tinder and Bumble that are 22-25 with jobs like "Data Analyst, Marketing Director, Executive, Programmer, Project Manager, Account Manager"

Keep sending those apps out kiddo, one day you'll find something :^)

>> No.12341319 [View]
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and redpilled

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