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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58704236 [View]
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No not cope, the case literally got dismissed.

>> No.58684040 [View]
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Oh they fucking scared! Now they're saying they can remove "misinformation," on the internet. expect a whole lot of censorship.

Your boy bibi aint looking too good combined with massive world banks with government backing involved in untold ammounts of fraud that's being peeled back layer by layer.

The new class of Oligarchs we found ourselves with in these last 3 years need to get fucked and fucked hard.

>> No.58671387 [View]
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remember how Ryan likes to under promise and overdeliver?

I'm salivating right now.

>> No.58654157 [View]
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You literally don't know what you're talking about and have proven that mutliple times.

This is gonna be over soon anyway, I hope you finished digging your grave because I'm not helping you. lol.

>> No.58637279 [View]
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It's pretty clear now the only way we move forward is with BBBY.

Isn't it Ryan?

>> No.58598954 [View]
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Moass is literally in the coming weeks. I've never seen this many shill posts.

On the off chance you're sincere and just retarded. This is money for mergers and acquisitions.

Hint, a holding company is the end goal. Teddy. it was never just about Gamestop you stupid monkeys. Think big.

>> No.58579724 [View]
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I knew were were gonna fucking win the moment reddit went after him so hard.

>> No.58572100 [View]
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I don't think you guys understand how dangerous it is that RK is doing, this dudes got balls the size of mountains. He's not just fucking hedgefunds he's potentially fucking entire countries.

This shit is biblical and we are all living it.

>> No.58551949 [View]
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Hope you all grabbed some toys r us for cheap, it's not gonna be cheap soon.

Grab up everything you can in the basket.

>> No.58503606 [View]
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There's only one reason why the ticker and CUSIP was preserved, so it can be moved to tzero with the short interest preseved.

These fuckers are so beyond fucked.

>> No.58496660 [View]
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Nearly what I have, along with 25k bbby,

Wagmi gonna be so hard. That never fucking work again money.

>> No.58470361 [View]
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Price doesn't matter until I see a berkshire hathaway resemblance.

Until then, this is all just noise.

>> No.57952189 [View]
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Inshallah brothers, the Jew shall be removed.

Can we get some iron dome defense failing memes? let's get this as offensive as possible it's still so early.

>> No.57858891 [DELETED]  [View]
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Yup, they are so fucked. Why was a Lien taken on baby? because JP morgan was trying to stop acquisition, why did we go into bankruptcy? To work around that.

And then we had FTX with the fraudulent token backed securities, that's a whole nother shitshow that's related to their infinite crime.

This shit's deep and complicated but if you hold a bag it's WAGMI, our enemies are literally the ones that run the banks and the market, couldn't have a fatter Pinata.

We're coming for everything you stupid cocksuckers.

>> No.57814148 [View]
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Just wait til the real truth behind the FTX tokenized shares is.

This rabbit hole goes deep, but we're almost at the end. :)

>> No.57040603 [View]
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Feels like it's gonna be a dead hedgie filled christmas.

Meanwhile Biden continually pushes us towards world war 3, what a fucking time.

>> No.56880403 [View]
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the signs are there in plain site, and the SEC knows the stock is over shorted.

It's fucking go time, we just need this RC lawsuit out of the way. We are primed for take off my nagas.

>> No.56736273 [View]
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Still going strong, Pulte is on tonight btw!

>> No.56632605 [View]
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Hedgies on ledgies.

>> No.56596601 [View]
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I wonder how many times a day platinum sparkles shit posts in a bbby thread lol.

The calls to her masters must be getting increasingly hesitant.

>> No.56557889 [View]
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I'm gonna pay multiple people to videotape these fucks doing a swan dive.

What's about to happen is meant to be celebrated, even their grand exit.

>> No.56520943 [View]
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>CIBC World Markets
(Bloomberg) -- The sudden death of a Toronto-based hedge fund manager has prompted an investigation into tens of millions of dollars in losses that the fund appears to have run up.

Bye bye niggas, this is just the start.
And you will ALL DIE, lol.

>> No.56519951 [View]
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Ryan and Icahn are about to make this the greatest time in history to be alive.

>> No.56511058 [View]
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It's your job to provide proof, no one elses.

You come in here constantly spewing shit about realized gains and you can't provide it. just more lies.

You guys are beyond pathetic. You can't even post gain porn because there's no fucking gains.
You lose, bitch.

This is kekception,

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