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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.25739281 [View]
File: 65 KB, 499x514, E74489D13B024A558C49358D15B700D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.32 bitcoin

>> No.20636107 [View]
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Thanks Fren, We’re all going to make it. I just am addicted to buying link I put 95% of my paycheck into LINK when it comes in.

I don’t plan on ever selling. I just want my LinkedIn profile to be “Chainlink Node Operator” in 6 years from now

>> No.20425759 [View]
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I said minimum dude, if Big Query integration, and swift is real, $1000 is fud. This is known

>> No.20083095 [View]
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Thanks anon, yeah how many LINKs will be needed to run a node? does anyone know?

I want my job in 2030 to be “LINK node operator” on LinkedIn. That’s the goal. I will donate to charity if I make it and use the rest to buy a cozy lake house, and a boomer-mobile.

>> No.19432112 [View]
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Yeah I learned that I just gotta send it, some bridges will burn but fuck it. Life’s to short.

>> No.19155489 [View]
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Yeah, that has become apparent to me due to coronachan, I see way to many people with $0 in savings / investments, and only their “job” as their source of income.

My mother has had friends of her, call her crying, begging for money (even though she’s kind of poor herself).

So far my “side hustles” have been “trading stocks” at work, and stashing my money in LINK, and mutual funds.

What’s a good “small business” I can start with low overhead, as It will be a side project?

>> No.19073081 [View]
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Working from home is so comfy, I’m thinking about taking the software engineer pill.

I currently work as a network engineer, I have just graduated college and make $15, which is low, but fair for the work i am producing currently, which is basically zero, just fixing a few IP phones, messing with VoIP, switching some vlans, setting up WebEx accounts.

Honestly what are the best Work From Home jobs, because I may never go back to an office at this rate...

>> No.19039791 [View]
File: 65 KB, 499x514, 9CF7A830-6067-4098-B142-305873CDE625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Frens, any /programming bros/ out there? I just graduated college with a degree in Information Technology: Cybersecurity concentration. I’m 21, kind of ugly, average height, better than average muscle mass

I am currently working for the same company that I interned with as a Network Engineer 1, for the rate of $15 an hour 30 hours a week. Coronachan fucked me since I should’ve been salaried by now.

Anyways, I’m asking now, should I go for the PCEP cert, and learn python, as a Software Engineer? I have coded in Java before, but nothing extreme, just basic Object Oriented Programming taught as part of my IT courseload.

I really want feedback from actual Software Engineers. Since you must be realitively smart to program,
>is it worth it? or would it be more profitable to go work in Investment Banking?
>Do you enjoy what you do? >How Much of a Jew is your boss (meaning how much of a dick is he?)
>How many hours a week do you work
>Any life regrets?
>And finally, is your vision fucked?
I think all this screen staring is fucking my eyes.

Thanks frens!

>> No.18983796 [View]
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Ayyy I just graduted a few days ago. My stats

>21 years old
>$15,000 in Student Loans (Dad’s Paying them)
>Degree in Information Technology, with a concentration in Cybersecurity
>Starting Job (Netwtork Engineer) at a medium sized company in the burbs
>Pay $15 an hour, at 30 hours a week due to the coronavirus
>I had interned for $15 and expect to make atleast 42k salary once “back to normal”

I got into options trading in december and turned $500 into $30,000 the. made bad trades down to $3,000 took $1,500 out, and currently sitting at a $1,700 equity account balance.

>Depression Level (Moderate)

I’m extremely optomistic about my “money making potential” but just bummed I didn’t find a gf/wife in college.

Only goal I care about is finding a nice girl, and one day living near the lake.

>> No.18610949 [View]
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Ok y’all are useless, I wanted that sweet insidy juicy based shit? Like Trump is having a secret relationship with Kanye West, see makes sense doesn’t it.

Anyways here is the “infinite money glitch.”

The infinite money glitch is based on the fact, that practically all humans, including myself, are mouth breathers, that believe that they are different and they can make money in moonshot investments. However, the vast majority of people investing in moonshots or penny stocks will fail.

You can make a ton of money playing the opposite side of this sentiment! If you see a ton of people buying shares of USO or calls on USO, load up on puts, or better yet, be the person “selling/writing” these calls, if the market stays flat, you win, if the market goes down you win. Verus the normies buying USO need the market to go down.

The Jews have realized this for years, you don’t make money chasing gold in the gold rush, you make money selling shovels.

Keep it simple, be practical. So I have seen an influx of people buying options, I believe the market will fuck them by trading flat or against their sentiment.

You can also inverse people, by seeing what young people buy. If young people are loding up on Cruise stocks because their “cheap” SHORT the fuck out of cruises. It is this simple, manipulate the heard, reap the reward.

Have “Killer Instincts”

>> No.18564285 [View]
File: 65 KB, 499x514, 0E108C85-5A22-437C-9F9E-59A49F0E816E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frens! It is time to rejoice!

I realized that the reason why I was depressed, was simply because I was not dreaming big enough! I was selling myself short. I am capable if so much more than I give myself credit for.

I thought “what’s the point.” But the reason why I was thinking that was because my world view was so limited. There are endless possibilities.

And the great thing is suicide is always a back up plan if you really fuck up!

My new life goal
>lake house
>That I can fly a sea plane and land on the lake
>Italian wife that makes homemade pizza

I know big dreams, but let’s use our energy and our power of collective positive to propel ourselves into the future!

Share me some of your dreams and I will send out positivity.

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