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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57289044 [View]
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>be me yesterday
>Britbong with comfy wfh job
>lying in bed late on Saturday night
>watching video about New Hampshire in the USA
>watch short videos of someone driving in California
>look at Wikipedia articles about largest universities in the USA, and their campuses
>look at the weather in the UK tomorrow: fucking cold
>look at weather in Los Angeles: perfect every day

>live in boring part of the UK and save £2k per month only because my employer's letting me wfh currently but this may change
>if I had to go back to London, I'd have to be promoted 3 times to save as much money as I am now (but with a worse lifestyle: tiny flat, commute, etc.)

I'm so tired of it. I want to live in America.

>> No.57215693 [View]
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>back to work on Monday
>have a low work wfh job but still find it boring and demoralising
>weather is shit
>feel like loser for not being a millionaire living in sunny California
>job is pointless bureaucracy

Life is passing me by. I'm in my 30s and haven't been outside the UK for over a decade. I've had no friends or social experiences since school. No female attention ever.

I waste all my free time. I become the lowest status person in all social situations.

>> No.57096783 [View]
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>early 30s
>ugly beta charismaless nerdy looking male
>no friends or social experiences since school
>no female attention ever
>done nothing with women ever, apart from prostitutes
>friendless loserdom continued all through university and multiple jobs (part time jobs during university and office jobs afterwards)
>become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a few days of starting all jobs
>living in London or other cities changed nothing
>just "going outside bro" changed nothing
>lifting weights for years changed nothing
>passing university, getting an ok paying job changed nothing
>current status: have a job, youth has gone, zero social life
>r9kpilled in 2012 during university
>Stirnerpilled in 2013
>incel blackpilled in 2014
>now even normies have caught up with blackpill logic
>not stupid or oversocialised enough to believe in any religions, philosophies, ideologies, heuristics, habits, customs, esoterica, spiritual beliefs, dogmas, historical patterns, metaphysics, superstitions, social conformisms, groupthink, extrapolations, deductions (apart from on the page), forms, the supernatural or occult, aphorisms, nationalisms, ethics, probabilities, media slogans, memes, social panics, manias, purity spirals, dogpiles, zeitgeists
>totally unspooked individual

Well, that's life. Teen years gone. Twenties gone. Nothing happened.

>> No.57089161 [View]
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>boring zero skill wfh bureaucratic job
>no friends or social experiences since school, over 10 years ago
>no female attention ever
>haven't been outside the country for over 10 years
>never worked in high finance, big tech, or a fast moving startup
>live in a boring part of the country and moving to London would reduce my ability to save

I feel like I'm in a professional dead end. I am utterly charismaless and do not have the liability or normieness to be promoted above my current level. I have no specialised technical skills.

I wish I could move to the USA and sacrifice my non-existent social life for more money but moving to the USA as a civilised British person is near impossible.

I currently save £2k per month in a lazy wfh job but I don't know how long it will last and it's fucking boring.

Entrepreneurship or anything like that seems like a crapshoot. I've never made money in any way other than waging.

I'm an ugly nerd and I'm seriously considering joining the UK army reserve to shake things up. But I would feel pathetic joining another slow moving bureaucracy, being bossed around by giga normies.

>> No.56730073 [View]
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>in my early 30s
>tell myself that I'll put effort in to my wfh job
>randomly see a tweet mentioning social dance in schools and implying it would help socialising since it requires boys holding hands with girls and picking them as partners
>suddenly repressed memories of social dance in PE lessons when I was 13 or 14 came back
>all girls were visibly horrified at being anywhere near me (including my oneitis, who I never showed any interest in because I knew I had no shot with girls at all) and I found the whole thing crushingly humiliating
>no gf ever, no female attention ever, no dates, everythingless

It felt strange to come across a memory that felt like it was hidden in a box but as vivid as any other one. Yeah, I don't think I'll be putting more than the minimum effort in to anything when it comes to work... The social contract hasn't been fulfilled.

>> No.56030653 [View]
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>team is over 20 people
>I have a vague bureaucratic job but the team leader dgaf about me
>job has become useless
>manager is a boomer on another team who doesn't know what's going on

I always feel like I'm a week out from being found out as a fraud who does nothing. My manager knows things aren't set up well for me but he maybe doesn't know how much.

I looked at some suggested training courses and they were so irrelevant and boring, I almost fell head first on to my laptop monitor.

>> No.55945586 [View]
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>look at career paths of some women I'm working with
>they didn't go to university and just got minor administrative jobs that they parlayed in to better stuff

I find that amazing because I know for a fact that if I didn't go to university I'd have struggled to get past entry level retail jobs. The "women get handed everything to them" meme is true.

And since I'm making a topic, I fucking hate all people aged 40-55 in the workplace as well. It seems like if you're a mid-intelligence, dog-faced, closed minded, territorial, wrinkly boomer you're entitled to law to have a job in my company that's either a mid-level manager or a project manager paid £600 per day. They don't know how to manage.

>> No.55711641 [View]
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>sitting in my do nothing WFH job
>thinking of sending a few Teams messages to hint that I could have more work (if I go on like this I worry that I'll be let go)
>reading on my phone about millionaires and billionaires in their 20s and 30s that buy stuff for millions and have real responsibilities

This is so boring and small time. I'm scrabbling for scraps of low level administrative work so I can influence a boring project people barely give a fuck about. Other people decide on the fate of entire companies or divisions.

It's really weird as well when I read about someone starting some company and they have already sold it or passed on the CEO role to other people and then think about people starting at the lowest level in that company, doing basic shit, going through humiliating wagie rituals like stand ups and performance reviews.

>> No.55678015 [View]
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I think my ability to be employed was a zero interest rate, deficit spending, uncontrolled open borders, Covid-era spending powerhose phenomenon.

>> No.24908980 [View]
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>be me, 21, live with parents
>high school diploma, didn't qualify for the bachelor's studies I actually wanted to study
>do the mandatory military service right after high school, hope to come up what to do with my life
>A year goes by, didn't come up with nothing
>there is a store I used to work during summer vactions
>decide to ask if the b0ssman has a job to offer me
>mr.b0ss is happy to see me, get a job there
>I'm happy
>weeks go by
>start to remember how sad being a wagei really is
>around 2.5 months in I almost cannot take it no more
>try to keep my calm but inside is hurting
>success, vacation comes by
>2 weeks of good time - REST
>back to work
>feeling_like_shit index starts to rise immediately
>feeling_like_shit index is off the fucking charts
>4 more months to a longer vacation (2 months REST)
>fuckfuckfuck cannot do it no more
>no time for hobbies, luckily find the time to still hit the gym 3-4 times a week
>put in longer hours, sometimes work almost a month continuously (I don't even know why, didn't really have to)
>basically feel nothing anymore

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