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>> No.59619221 [View]
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Why has none of you fucks created a dtf for this, apu, chad, and more /biz/ approved F U N coins? dtf.fun is braindead easy just think of the possibilities...
>do it yourself
the op that makes pepe generals should be the one to do it desu nobody will listen to me if i do it myself

>> No.58813353 [View]
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Jesus Christ. PNK and INJ making me want to sell off my SUPER, AVI and all other Defishit. I thought AI + blockchain was a meme narrative started by scammers but looks like I was wrong

>> No.58447159 [View]
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because is a shit coin, I mean, even runes on satoshisync could have better growth than this one. too bad their own token is dropping steadily. It all depends on btc now.

>> No.58426036 [View]
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past you was pretty chill about it.

>> No.58419927 [DELETED]  [View]
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I don't exaggerate when I say this gonna be some hard days, but I hope it gets better after a few weeks. I'm quite interested on solana but ts problem with transactions rise red flags to me, I hope 1intro dex actually works for a change because I'm swating bullets here.

>> No.58412363 [View]
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I really cant say anon, but, I myself hold hold a good chunk on alts, and some are behaving awesome, like superverse. That I'll hodl but the rest of my folio I have one finger over the nuke bottom just in case.

>> No.54409367 [View]
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how many times do i have to tell you to wait until rodeo fi comes out you fucking niggers

>> No.51276680 [View]
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I'm monitoring the dext charts every hour or so. God I fucking hope it happens.

>> No.51157629 [View]
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Okay. Buying another $DEO stack for good luck (no more $BTC good luck stacks last time Bobo fucked me raw).
Here's hoping, anons...

>> No.50739878 [View]
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Everything is volatile right now. I'd rather throw in another stack of $QOM over any oil/housing shit tbqh famalamadingdong.

>> No.50576472 [View]
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Diversifying my fucking ass im going all in on $QOM and pray for a P/D in the worst case scenario. Checking telegram every waking hour of my life. Push comes to shove I'll take it all out and throw it into a locked pool and just live like a hobo for a few weeks. I refuse to work.

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