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>> No.27634111 [View]
File: 34 KB, 779x363, make it chart - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i might try my luck riding pump and dumps.
jesus christ..

>when I should be selling.
buy legit projects with a good use case, then wait years, literally the same thing people did with link
sure, crypto was a bit more of a gamble than in our current post-link-pop world
I keep saying this but, the best way to make it, is not buying risky defi pump and dumps and hoping for a 10x
but buying low into good projects and waiting for the inevitable 100x
still, easier said than done, back then I KNEW prq was going to pop, yet I didn't put in everything I had, guess im still learning
>Not asking you to blow up your positions
I'm completely fine with that, you sound like a nice anon so here you go, pic related, it was made Friday, 25 September 2020, 19:30:28 so apologies for the, not up to date, prices
>Can you give some tips?
see below
literally just listen to money forehead https://streamable.com/xomcmu
I still don't get how you guys are not all over this already, assblaster himself shilled it to you lads

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