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>> No.21590777 [View]
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>we all know what the wages of sin are
(((pinker))) and (((krauss)))
you have Aaron's blood on your hands and you can't do a thing to wash it off



>> No.19593876 [View]
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The criminalization of personal and social relationships must likewise be judged as an unacceptable part of the plan of those who advocate isolating individuals in order to better manipulate and control them.

he fight against Covid-19, however serious, must not be the pretext for supporting the hidden intentions of supranational bodies that have very strong commercial and political interests in this plan. In particular, citizens must be given the opportunity to refuse these restrictions on personal freedom, without any penalty whatsoever being imposed on those who do not wish to use vaccines, contact tracking or any other similar tool. Let us also consider the blatant contradiction of those who pursue policies of drastic population control and at the same time present themselves as the savior of humanity, without any political or social legitimacy. Finally, the political responsibility of those who represent the people can in no way be left to “experts” who can indeed claim a kind of immunity from prosecution, which is disturbing to say the least.

>> No.17884465 [View]
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Epstein was a (((mathematician)))
is it any surprise that modern-day scientists can only be described as "mathematically insane"
>pic related

>> No.17211253 [View]
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>"Was Aaron Swartz Killed by an MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring (2012)?
>pic related
no wonder modern day scientists are mathematically insane and their theories are worth jack shit
their lying mouths will fail them

you're both disgraces to the Truth

>> No.17034060 [View]
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>Fuck women they are all whores.
so are we (men I mean)
the problem isn't that they enjoy sex (who doesn't)
it's a good thing that our ancestors were having sex and having babies, otherwise we wouldn't exist in the first place. The problem is that modern men and women don't know how to have sex (hint: it doesn't count as sex if you don't creampie your woman). Now we see native populations diminishing because of this.

Women are not to be trusted in positions of power for obvious reasons, they are capricious beyond belief compared to men even when given a little power (look at birth control for example)
birth control has served to make entire generations of women barren and useless as wives and mothers
the only fulfillment that women can achieve is through subservience and duty to serve her husband and to become a mother of their children and take care of the household

anything else is secondary to this primary goal
career women are less than useless as spouses and as mothers

>You would purposely send them to an indoctrination station for their entire childhood?
I went through public schooling (somewhat) but was lucky that my parents managed to get me enrolled in a really good highschool.
Later on I went to a prestigious university and got my higher education in STEM

I know what you mean about public schools being indoctrination centers, however my parents made sure to supplement my education with at-home schooling and they were always keen to instill in me a healthy skepticism and critical view of what I was being taught in school. Luckily all the teachers loved me so I was given preferential treatment throughout my schooling.

I've seen homeschooled kids who were isolated because their parents didn't agree with the curriculum. They almost always had problems with their socialization and were not necessarily well adjusted in group settings in ways that I was.Think of it as a kind of immunization.
Don't get me started on academia though.

>> No.16173940 [View]
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>as a ((((blockchain/dapp developer)))
same appeal to authority as:
>as a (((scientist)))

>> No.16138576 [View]
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>they print money to fund wars to destabilize regions
>this coerces the population of these war torn regions to seek refuge in the very cunt-trees that are bombing them
>by bringing in more fresh meat you can continue printing money
>that printed money is then used again to destabilize another region
>and so on

the (((academics))) call this (((globalization)))
but I think the more apt term is global slavery
>pic related
>the (((academics)))

>> No.16065557 [View]
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>just the tip baby

>> No.15878465 [View]
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>dude don't you just love having to wageslave for the rich elite for only 50 years
and you better do it with a smile on your face goy!

>> No.15657545 [View]
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>And you're not self aware
the entire argument started when you said the following:
>Physical reality is a story we made up
that is a non-statement and is wrong and plainly not true

>More likely a lifetime of conditioning within that already established framework makes you unable to even conceive of the problems with your own model just like I said before.
written like a pleb
>(((lifetime of conditioning)))
you didn't study these topics in the structured environment of universities, laboratories, experiments, R&D for corporations, etc. and as an attempt to disqualify my formal education and vocation you call it conditioning since you didn't undergo the laborious task of dedicated study, testing and, certification
people voluntarily pay me a lot of money to apply my scientific expertise, training, education, and skillset to their problems
you can't say the same and your rebuke is to call my knowledge (((conditioning)))
and you have to say I'm not self aware

Furthermore, my studies and my thinking on the matter have put me in danger
scientists like to claim they are open to criticism but history proves that this is not the case
they will threaten, blackmail and even murder people that go against the scientific dogma
>pic related
>the absolute state of modern day (((scientists)))


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