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>> No.7788947 [View]
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Two last points:
1. The sex that you desire is no different than drug experimentation and abuse. Most people can handle doing drugs without becoming junkies, but the biggest negative effect of drugs and addiction that no one ever talks about are not the actual effects of whatever it is you're doing, but the cumulative waste of time as you spend your precious and finite time on this earth pursuing ultimately meaningless activities.
2. The other thing about casual sex we don't consider in the heat of the moment is its butterfly effect, especially in relation to how men and women are able to cope with casual sex to varying degrees. Men for the most part can do casual sex with little to no negative effects on their psyche, however the same is generally not true for women (if you've ever had sex with a virgin woman and then broke it off to go sew wild oats, you'll understand what I mean). The more partners a woman has had (and to a lesser extent men too), the more difficult it becomes for them to find a stable relationship for a variety of reasons (trust issues, lowered potency of pair-bonding chemicals due to tolerance - just like building tolerance to a drug, etc.) . Being a part of hookup culture exacerbates this problem. Women offering sex for low cost encourages Men to take advantage of the low prices. However, Men too have an effect on the sexual marketplace, and if we collectively stop giving the dick away for low prices, then the price of sex in general will go up. This is already happening to an extent, and you might notice women who are increasingly desperate start doing things that would traditionally be considered masculine, like paying for dates, or being sexually aggressive.

I'm not saying that you're a bad person for wanting to give in to your natural instincts, resisting this shit is motherfucking hard, I know that! But consider the negative consequences your actions might have over time, especially if multiplied across the population

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