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>> No.4729989 [View]
File: 12 KB, 345x398, ramiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's really good witcha?

Had a few things I wanted to say before I long ETH on GDAX this morning. First of all, I just got out of the shower wit my bitch Vitalik. 85 pounds, 5'3 and has the body of a goddess.[She just blew me, shit was SO cash].know how I pulled her? Being a real ETH shill, something you nerds don't know shit about. All you know about is bitcoin (SHITCOIN), while I'm out in da exchange making REAL GAINZ all day everyday.

Did I place all my money on ETH just a minute ago? You know i did, it was clutch. And that investment is buying me a lambo adequate for a greek god looking specimen like myself. Don't believe me? Ask like everyone who invested in ETH in the past. Know what I'm saying? Face, bitch.

I roll out with my boys 5 nights a week, use my gains on ETH to pay and the chicks can't resist my bangin' guns. When I walk up in da club, bitches can't wait for the Alphabet ['cos im the ALPHA male and you can BET on it] to wrap his pimp mitts around their titties.

I am the hottest guy any of you will ever have the privilege of being amongst. I bench 240 and do 500 sit-ups a day. My abs are hard as a rock and my dicks the size of a cucumber. When I walk down the street I can smell your girlfriend's pussy getting wet. She wants to fuck wit a real boss who invests in ETH, not a chump change shitcoin loser like you. Just playin', you ain't even got a girl. All you got is your shitcoin. You play that shit, imma be playin' wit girls tits in my lambo.

Don't be hatin' bro', Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. Captain of the football team, have a .4 batting average (not that you fags even know what that means), and can drink all of you pussies under the table.. What sports do you do, other than "professionally not getting laid"? I also get straight A's. Dang, you wish you were me! Shit aint gonna happen son, you're all wastes of air who should just kill yourselves.

On the grind.
- Ramiro the Ethereum Champ

>> No.2551931 [View]
File: 12 KB, 345x398, ramiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's really good witcha?

Had a few things I wanted to say before I long ETH on GDAX this morning. First of all, I just got out of the shower wit my bitch Vitalik. 95 pounds, 5'3 and has the body of a goddess.[She just blew me, shit was SO cash].know how I pulled her? Being a real ETH shill, something you nerds don't know shit about. All you know about is bitcoin (SHITCOIN), while I'm out in da exchange making REAL GAINZ all day everyday.

Did I place all my money on ETH just a minute ago? You know i did, it was clutch. And that investment is buying me a lambo adequate for a greek god looking specimen like myself. Don't believe me? Ask like everyone who invested in ETH in the past. Know what I'm saying? Face, bitch.

I roll out with my boys 5 nights a week, use my gains on ETH to pay and the chicks can't resist my bangin' guns. When I walk up in da club, bitches can't wait for the Alphabet ['cos im the ALPHA male and you can BET on it] to wrap his pimp mitts around their titties.

I am the hottest guy any of you will ever have the privilege of being amongst. I bench 240 and do 500 sit-ups a day. My abs are hard as a rock and my dicks the size of a cucumber. When I walk down the street I can smell your girlfriend's pussy getting wet. She wants to fuck wit a real boss who invests in ETH, not a chump change shitcoin loser like you. Just playin', you ain't even got a girl. All you got is your shitcoin. You play that shit, imma be playin' wit girls tits in my lambo.

Don't be hatin' bro', Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. Captain of the football team, have a .4 batting average (not that you fags even know what that means), and can drink all of you pussies under the table.. What sports do you do, other than "professionally not getting laid"? I also get straight A's. Dang, you wish you were me! Shit aint gonna happen son, you're all wastes of air who should just kill yourselves.

On the grind.
- Ramiro the Ethereum Champ

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