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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.5458051 [View]
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You are overestimating (((them))). They are too invested in the current system. If crypto was their plan, they would have phased out the dollar a long time ago.

As it is right now, crypto is impossible to regulate. You're a brainlet if you think otherwise. The regulation and exposure of the USD allows them to track everything. In fact, the USD is already electronic money, again you're brainlets, its all numbers on a screen.

But now we're getting shit like Monero, Cloakcoin, Verge, the privacy/anon coins will kill the system along with the decentralized exchanges. Crypto is the thing that is going to help us break away from the system. In a few years it will be completely impossible to regulate crypto, and the IRS is a dead man walking.

The American Empire (and all world government for that matter) are finished in their current state. Its the end of an Age. The planet has been oppressed for far too long.

>> No.5445488 [View]
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Sachs is not buying in. (((They))) dont want crypto to succeed. The new law is a direct attack on crypto to slow it down. Anything passed during Christmas time is never good for The People. They did the same thing for the Federal Reserve, removing the Gold Standard, etc. This is how they do things - when no one is looking.

Unfortunately for them, people are looking, the population is awakening fast, and crypto is essentially the deathknell of the dollar. The USD, the American Empire, and the rest of the planetary governments in on it (which is ALL OF THEM) are going to collapse on an epic scale never seen before.

Can you feel it in your bones? I sure can. What goes up, must come down. There is a yin and a yang. For every action there is a reaction. This is a force of nature friends. This is a KARMIC BACKLASH. The evil Bankster-Jew-Cabal is finished.

Once the decentralized exchanges come out along with the New Darknet, its over. Blocknet, SHIFT, Substratum, etc, all of these projects are just the beginning of the end. Anonymous Atomic Swaps. They are FUCKED. And its about damn time. The planet has been under the cover of darkness for too long.

It's time to bring the Light back. It's time to bring freedom back. The planet is starved for freedom.

Like what was said before, If you think Obfuscation is just a cool feature, you dont understand crypto. Presstab isnt handing out his tech to every smallcap coin for no reason. This is a revolution folks. The revolution has already begun and is in full swing. And (((they))) can't keep up. They are toast.

>> No.4924991 [View]
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>> No.4915093 [View]
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>> No.4914726 [View]
File: 1.20 MB, 2557x1788, pepe and mona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LORDKEK is now worth over $1,000,000. It is being said that LORDKEK is the Mona Lisa of our generation.

The art is sublime. The meme is kek-inducing. Every bit of your very being, when gazing upon this art, grants you shivers down your spine. It is the ultimate form of meme art. May kek bless us all.

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