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>> No.52513643 [View]
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>cutting losses quick is the answer.
This is the biggest lesson I'm learning. An anon posted a chart that shows the gains you need to make to cover loses. That and not being emotional when you make, or don't make a trade.

>> No.52506574 [View]
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Listen, I just like the video game store stock. It really shouldn't bother anyone at all. If the investments of complete strangers frustrates you and makes you this upset, you clearly have a problem.

>> No.52485098 [View]
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The market thinks OPEC and Russia sanctions coming into effect in 3 weeks is a nothing burger.
>muh seasonal fuel change
>muh recession fears
>muh china is never reopening ever
>muh, not actually realized demand destruction fears

By Allah they will know, just two (maybe three or four) more weeks. lol

>> No.52430736 [View]
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Hedgies should consider closing their shorts.

>> No.52416756 [View]
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>zero history of scams

>> No.52349994 [View]
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Most assuredly, the float will be locked up long before March 2025. Don't let Rimjabi shit out his false sense of urgency.

>> No.52288270 [View]
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What about lime piglets?

>> No.52276349 [View]
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how many threads are you gonna paste this in faggot?

>> No.52232785 [View]
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>What will happen to the price when GME announces merger with BBBY
I can tell you what happens before then. I call you a stinky nigger.
You're a stinky nigger

>> No.52216611 [View]
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>What do we expect today boys?
Chicanery and shenanigans.

>> No.51689873 [View]
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This clip of Kenny today leads me to believe that he is expecting a crash and that he is not concerned. So either he is either completely delusional expecting to come out winning in this or he has no reason for alarm because he knows somebody else is going to be paying the price for his fuckup. Thoughts?

>> No.51533592 [View]
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Let's talk about Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, shall we?

>> No.51378653 [View]
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Alright Ken Griffin, listen. You're almost 54. You've lived a life where everything was either given to you, or taken by cheating. You've been able to live a very extravagant lifestyle akin to a king, that most people would never be able to enjoy even a fraction of through their entire lives. You've destroyed businesses for your own personal gain. I'm sure you looked at your victims with complete indifference. Your were the winner at this game, and they were the losers. Now the tables have turned and you cannot fathom being on the other end of it. It is your turn to understand. So just give up already. You've had your fun. You've lived your life like a king. Accept that your time is over. You are not immortal. You cannot live on top forever. You've played the game and now you have lost. It's over.

>> No.51338794 [View]
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Did I think that I would still be waiting for MOASS in September 2022? No.
Do I care? Also no.
Your move hedgies.

>> No.50980499 [View]
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Agreed. Everyone should know by now the shills force their FUD in waves. Nothing has changed. Shorts still need to close.

>> No.50903938 [View]
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I don't like the Predditors, period. It is a fact that Preddit has been compromised (Lauer, half_dick, etc). I will be suspicious and skeptical of everything that is forced on Preddit, no matter what it is. I will do what is best for myself. I don't need the Predditors to tell me what to do.

>> No.50809974 [View]
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At what point do we invite the nice hedge fund and SEC lads to 1v1 us in Super Smash Bros? You know, completely innocent fun that is definitely not real?

>> No.50805197 [View]
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Alright I have decided to DRS half of my splivvy shares for now. I can always DRS the rest later to keep the pressure on.

>> No.50803139 [View]
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Last night I considered DRSing my splivvy shares. One more thing though: 80% of all of my shares are DRSed already. Who among you would still go through with DRSing splivvy shares?

>> No.50795909 [View]
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I am not brave enough to DRS 100% but what if I DRS my splivvy shares?

>> No.50784059 [View]
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After MOASS I propose a worldwide ban of the word "Ape"

>> No.50576101 [View]
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I will submit myself entirely to sentient funko pop overlords if it means MOASS happening tomorrow.

>> No.50447381 [View]
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Sorry, I simply do not have the time for such a thing.

>> No.50424077 [View]
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Prepare Uranus, Kenneth Griffin.

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