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>> No.53225187 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future generations will be the first in centuries to live shorter lives than their predecessors
It's alrdy there thanks to the (((vax)))

>> No.51724433 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the vax is alrdy destroying life expectancy to levels never seen before. The average since the census bureau exist is +3 weeks every year.
2021? - 3 years.
And wait to see 2022, this gonna be gud.

>> No.51547866 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes zogbot. It's exactly what we are going to do. Historically, US life expectancy was progressing in average by +0.20% every year since the census exist back in 1950. Year of the scamdemic included.
Then the vax happen and suddently we lose -5% for 2021. From 79 years down to 76. In a single year! Countrywide, that's a loss of 1 billion years... Something never before seen, a complete datum anomaly with zero explanations from the (((government))).

Nothing but the vaxx can explain this. Nothing happened but the vaxx in 2021. If the trend continue for 2022 and another astronomical number shows up, then we have our answer : all the mudbloods are gonna die in the incoming years, and the vaxx indeed was a mass depopulation weapon. As us schitzos warned you all along.

>> No.51509661 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years of lost life expectancy nationwide since the vax rool out
>no reasons given
Literally never happened before. -3 years. Every other year is like +2 weeks of life expectancy. Then vax happens and we get a -156 weeks????
That's minus one billion years on the scale of the country, stolen by the kikes behind this scamdemic/vax genocide. And we are only 1 year post vax. Wait to see what will happen in another two years, once every mudblood start to get rare cancers, die from their "mild myocardytis" and VAIDS. All the ""long covid"" unable to go to work, needing constant care. The healthcare system will be on it's knees.

>> No.51304369 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same boomers who got themselves AIDS via vaxmaxxing?
I wouldn't count on them to buy a house. Or anything, for that matter.
We are just a year after the (((injections))) and the culling is already kicking in full gear kek.

>> No.51267353 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WEF is nothing but a front company for the jewish cabal. The kikes are the ones behind this will of total enslavement of mankind (and genocide of most of it too). The WEF have been designed with the sole purpose of diverting away attention from the (((ones))) truly in charge of the conspiracy.

They are nothing more than the spokepersons of the anglo-israelite mafia, a bunch of obedient, corrupt, greedy goyim and semi-low level kikes. That's why so many jeets are there. Nothing more obedient and servile than a greedy jeet void of any moral compass.

The real puppetmasters behind them are ultra-powerful dynasties, like the Bronfman, Schiff, Lehman, Rothschilds, Warburg, Sassoons, Kadoories...
who shaped and financed through nepotism -also called philantropy- the new generation of jewish elites, especially in finance and telecommunications, who are hellbent in this plan to enslave us all : Brin, Zuckerberg, Dell, Page, Ellison...
We currently are in the last days of a conspiracy who have been carefully crafted for decades to create a judeocratic world order based upon noahism. The scamdemic was the Part I of their big show. Soon we will witness horrors beyond our comprehension.
Kikes are demons. Prepare for what's coming, few will survive. And even fewer will fight back against their tyranny.

>> No.51252728 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do so many idiots think the economy is about the melt down?
mhmmm maybe because the jews are control demolitioning civilization as we speak, and carefully planned it over the span of several decades?
How will the economy fare once all the mudbloods are handicaped or dead, genius?

We lost 3 years of life expectancy in 2021. The number is so ridiculous it leaves most people incredulous. Simply because it never happened before.
We are speaking hundreds of Ks excess deads each month you fucking mongoloid, wake the fuck up. The great culling already started.

>> No.51246245 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1601x892, 3 years of life expextancy lost in 2021 in the US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is pretty much the end
It is. The kikes will destroy all western nations to install their Great Reset -Tikkun Olam-. This is all a gigantic satanic sacrifice where the whites are the scapegoats.
Entire civilizations self-sacrifying to jewish hubris, this is unfathomable.
All was so carefully planned to unfold this way for decades. Is there even a chance left to avoid our grim fate? After looking at the death vax compliance rates, i'm not so sure. Our people are demoralized beyond comprehension it seems. And too coward to act.

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