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>> No.22134568 [View]
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These threads are ALWAYS bullshit
Fuck this clown system why should they get one penny of my money when their ultimate goal is to rape and brainwash my children destroy my country and piss on the memory of my forefathers FUCK THEM and fuck you cucks for not resisting this utterly kiked tyrannical clown system with every fibre of your being
I’d happily pay if I knew the money was being used to create and maintain a just safe ethnically homogeneous society but it’s just nothing but faggorty trannies Jewish demoralising fucking garbage wall to wall
JUST FUCK OFF I’d rather go to jail than pay even 1% to these fucking disgusting Jews
What the fuck happened to this place you’re all a bunch of fucking queer redditors take your tax cuckoldry tie it in a bow and neck yourselves with it
Fuck you

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