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>> No.16910801 [View]
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organize a fixed routine
Is ok if I do popliphasic sleep sometimes?

>> No.16824975 [View]
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there is a shitton of liquidity compared to stocks so the meme lines have more relevance?

>> No.16161568 [View]
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Lots of meme about Link decided to buy a few. Now I check the price after 1 year they are worth 26'000 $ ahahahahah thanks for the gains niggers.. I am gonna sell them all and have a lot of dinners and cool outfit with my girlfriend ahahah thanks
P.S. I see it doesn't fucking move ahahah I feel like the smart guy who dumps on you

>> No.16127677 [View]
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... on the moon and Mars there is literally a ton of them
the costs of mining gold and silver on the moon they are doable

>> No.16054685 [View]
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Both do ''renting of unused idle CPU''..so in what are they different from each oher?

>> No.15994886 [View]
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>at first euro will devalue BIG against all currencies, this will start a worldwide bullrun on dollar (maybe chf too) killing your exports. this will be the deflationary shock.

why will this cause a deflationary shock?
>after a period of time the dollars will flow back into the market causing high inflation and the FED wont have any other choice than raising interest rates.

what do you mean by '' the dollar will re-enter the market ''? Could you explain it better for a noob? Furthermore, why should the Fed subsequently raise interest rates?

>> No.15970940 [View]
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so all the money I put into silver and precious metals is it likely that it will hold its value in 10 years or will it double in ten years? Furthermore, leaving your money settled down in precious metals does not risk losing other advantageous opportunities that the stock market can give?

>> No.15954916 [View]
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How long is gold for a long-term investment? When you say that gold is a long-term investment, how many years are we talking about? The recession in 2008 did not raise gold prices so much

>> No.15904853 [View]
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FED won't let bankers sell (dump on the market) the great stack they have accumulated.
It's illegal.
This is what I have red here yesterday.
Let's discuss.... I don't to buy coins and bars that don't generate value while SP500 moons.

>> No.15863355 [View]
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for a long period of time?
Example: they do QE for over 20 years
I am asking this because I am aware that the actual economy is in a situation where if you borrow your money to swizterland for 50 years you get minus money of what you borrowed..... so c an they keep going on with this shitshow and doing QE forever?

>> No.15802841 [DELETED]  [View]
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why is it full of problems and sorrow I don't get it. There are people who die off cancer disables ugly men and so on... there are a lot of problems. Why the f*** must it be so hard?

Here we go... 29 years old.. never had a women... waiting for Chainlin' to moon to get FINALLY tour shit togheter (no college
low iq no good ob) .... it never fu***'n moon.... everytime promises larps ''tonight it's happenin' tonight'' and nothing happen

I am tired of all this. I should stop watchinì the price everyday and I should care less about all this need of riches cause it's a problem and all this stres will lead me to cancer in the 40s'

(obv better to live 10 years re ... but the life of kings that you promise are not assured)

>> No.15793267 [View]
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Italiaan here.

So shut up please burgers crauti eaters and other cointries...

I'll say explain all the needful:

--best women :
Naples. Literally men and women in this city are top 1 in Italy when it comes to lov

I'll explain you why:
Naples is a city with a lot of MENA (mid est genetic) but also with a lot of buetiful mix mediterranean + nordic fenotipes that end up in a great variety of godness among men and women.

Example: Deutche girls and danih girls are really beautiful on average but NOWHERE in the world you can have the same peaks of exoticism and particular beauty that (some) Neapolitans among women and men can reach

Best place to live: Mailand Rome or Venezia.

FLorence is a meme. Bologna is degenerate...it's literally clown world wih all women as Pepe Honkler

Place to visit: Sicily Rome Mailand Venezia

Is it a good choise to live in Italy? No. Cause it's been fuced by jews

The next are the german (to be fuced by jew) and then the burgers

Where to eat and what to eat: The best food is in the Southern: sicily cannoli pizza tortaniello napoletano bolognese ravioli and so on. LIterally the best food in da world

the only thing left to be pride of

>> No.15711766 [View]
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I was reading seekingalpha and saw among the other things that Silver ETF are up +20% in 3 months? scroll down at the bottom of the page
Isn't it uncommon for an ETF to that high? Is somenthing moving for silver?

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