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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.13462617 [View]
File: 28 KB, 551x549, 98995642311898487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's literally nothing
Considering how shallow crypto exchange books are... pic related

>> No.12887953 [View]
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>dont bump this thread
I dont understand. People need to buy, so it goes up.
Maybe... maybe I am the late adopter and you are the shill who wants to unload his bags on me?

>> No.12370131 [View]
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>fulfill almost every condition (just a BSc in finance & good in VBA/SQL/Python, not R)
>got hired on the spot with already above average payment at the beginning (~50k€)

I simply love Germoney.

>> No.12340151 [View]
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>how do I move to the US?
See >>12339752

If you cannot legally circumvent or considerably lower taxes in Germany, what makes you so sure to be able to do it in the US?

Also for fucks sake, no wonder you whine about taxes, if you let yourself getting robbed by your employer every day - get yourself an actual job. Get off /pol and get your life together, before you cry about "muh taxes", "muh socialists" or "muh rapefugees" in the first place.

Scheiße Mann - ein Master in Maschinenbau mit 4 Jahren Erfahrung begnügt sich mit 42 brutto. Bei so viel Beta vergesse ich sogar mein Englisch.
100% selbst verschuldetes Elend, du Lappen!

>> No.12276005 [View]
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>At the same time 10000s of arabs and turks who don't speak german and earn welfare, no one critizises

So called "Paralelgesellschaften" are the toppic of many political debates for years already, are you sure you live in Germany?

>> No.11907221 [View]
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Holy shit.
I am really grateful, that I love my job and get along quite well with my collegues.

>> No.11419863 [View]
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I thought cryptobugs and goldbugs are in love with each other?

>> No.11038925 [View]
File: 27 KB, 551x549, 98995642311898487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at ten year class reunion
>feel a bit inferior for just having a undergrad in finance
>several with a master or even phd in physics, math and biology
>almost none of them are happy with their job & struggle with their student loan payments

I thought the whole "STEM a meme" is a meme itself, to get rid of the gullibles. But holy shit, there seems to be an abundance of phds in these fields, so they get paid about as much as I did after finishing my undergrad.

>> No.11000067 [View]
File: 27 KB, 551x549, 778147463132889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and unironically sold ETH.

>> No.10878829 [View]
File: 27 KB, 551x549, 778147463132889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While my fiancé (recent graduated with a major in taxes) was doing our taxes for the first time, she discovered something interesting.

I have a disability insurance. One share of this goes into a pension fund, grows with interest and secure my life when I retire. The other share is for the insurance to secure my life right now, in case I am unable to work in my current job.

Thing is: because the share of the pension fund is large enough, the whole amount (pension share AND insurance) is tax deductible. The more I pay into it, the more I can deduct from my taxes. Right now, this is not the complete amount of taxes I pay, but as my wage rises (and my carried forward tax loss depletes), the amount going to the insurance company will roughly equal what I get back in taxes.

Tl;dr: the government basically pays my disability insurance.
As it stands now, it is very possible that I will never pay a single cent in income taxes. I dont understand why all of you are so against taxes, this is hilarious.

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