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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58638322 [View]
File: 92 KB, 1080x844, 1708184439549714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencap mine as well because I solded. You welcome bro.

>> No.58626973 [View]
File: 92 KB, 1080x844, 406632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debt, many people are fine with a car payment that is equal to their rent.

>> No.58445844 [View]
File: 92 KB, 1080x844, 1708184439549714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooooh.... ouch.
so sorry for the dude. I just hold game tokens like $lrds and fundamentals btc eth bnb... and even if I sent half of it by mistake to a wrong address I'll be roping now. Hard.

>> No.58384908 [View]
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Are we gonna dump again after halvening?

>> No.58265695 [View]
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>> No.58261263 [View]
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>can we expect more dumpage??

>> No.58259714 [View]
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Its going back up

>> No.58256024 [View]
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>captcha: WARY

>> No.58255594 [View]
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>Please I'm ready, I just need a nudge on where to start, I'll read and I'll learn, help me out, my depression is getting worse and worse
find out what people want
of these, find out which you will conceivably be able to do
of these, find out which you will conceivably be able to attain customers
of these, find out which will produce enough money that you'll be content

OK, now go find the thing that people want that you can do that will bring customers and make you money. It's really not that hard, mostly luck from here on.

This is the entire game.

>> No.57937226 [View]
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should i make a master?
i got laid off and didnt find a job, i could do my masters literally now, but i have to decide right now

logiccally for my resume etc it would be good,
but i feel mind broken by now and i dont know if i want to go back to writing exams etc
its something with engineering so the master will probably actually be easier since theres no math, and its only 3 semesters bc my bachelor was quite long
but i dont kow anymore i dont really want to
im not a career wagecuck npc person at all so i ffeel really out of place everywhere i go
im not a nerd
i also turned 30 this year and i feel too old to be doing this shit desu, i dont even look old but it feels kind of gay to do this again

i cant decide what decision is better being a neet and maybe sometime down the road get some job again or do a masters now for 1,5 years and then do the same
i feel lost like always and im poor like always

>> No.57880513 [View]
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big mac in 2000 was $2.24
big mac in 2023 was $5.69
this is the only index i care about. $100k in 2000 is like $250k now. pretty rich unless you live in Boston / NYC / SF, you should never struggle at $250k unless you're a fucking retard.
so $100k in 2000 was about equivalent - a lot of money considering the country was a LOT more suburban back then.

t. made $200k until i quit wagecucking

>> No.57853959 [View]
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How do you guys have the emotional discipline to stick with your investment thesis? I have 100k in 3 low caps and it takes a lot out of me to keep with it and buy the dips. Got another 12-24 months of this to go

>> No.57638470 [View]
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What mid caps do you think have the most potential this cycle?

>> No.57517211 [View]
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What are things you can spend on that will actually improve your life?

>> No.57497462 [View]
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>ruralfags have no ambition to become billionaires
>cityfags have more ambition to become billionaires
>cityfags are more likely to make it
false, they are just as retarded as ruralfags, they just work in offices and make a higher wage. per capita, they're just as unlikely to make it

>t. has lived in both the city and rural

>> No.57462927 [View]
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>what the fuck are we going to do with all these autistic men?
teach them to write the software that normies use to interact with AI, obviously
all the autists who used to write in C and FORTRAN adapted to the new paradigm of magical frameworks and retard-tier "do everything in javascript" tech environment of the 21st century, and the autists of today will adapt the same.

>> No.57158349 [View]
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>those buttcheeks are 35+yrs old now and have had many nuts on it
its depressing how all the good boobba pics on the internet from when we were younger all now belong to blown out post-wall roasties

>> No.56387066 [View]
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whts this
3MkC4rrpxa854ta7wLruSThKPPSZxFpqNE even?

you seriously gave him over 1k? da fuq

>> No.56179809 [View]
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>pay 3 good devs $300k
>ask them to do a bunch of work
>2 of them quit to work at your competitor
>hire 10 shit devs for $90k
>give them a fuckton of work
>they do the work shittily
>have a rock solid SDLC process where QA finds all the bugs and gives it back to the devs to fix right away

you choose anon

>> No.55985445 [View]
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>start a bank.
update: too much regulation and startup capital requirements, sorry anon

>> No.49911188 [View]
File: 92 KB, 1080x844, 7548921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the rest of this thread, I'm aware Ohio has nice spots, and I'd move there given enough reason.

But not to Dayton, that's just some boomer's bag he's trying to unload on a millennial before his town breathes its final breath.

>> No.49604712 [View]
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>form of corruption
>cash tips helps small businesses avoid corporate tax
>cash tips helps poor employees avoid income tax
>allows the consumer to punish the business for awful service
None of this is corrupt, in fact paying less tax is patriotic.

>> No.28102745 [View]
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I'm trying to wait patiently for the crash but its hard bros. how much longer will it be

>> No.26240579 [View]
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any bros know the feel of trying to time the market and mssing out on several potential big gains? I learned this lesson these last two months and its been stressing me every day

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