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>> No.51594834 [View]
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Not just hype but people throw it around too hard so it's hard for people to understand what it really is.

Right now the internet is siloed. You create your account on ONE platform, feed them all your information, build an identity on that platform, and then it's all pretty much locked there. Occasionally there's crossover, but it's very hard to pull off in the current structure. At most we just see "Sign in with Google/Twitter/Facebook" oAuths as the closest thing of having a global profile.

With Web3 it's the opposite way around. Instead of you going to platforms and manually giving them your info to build a profile there alone, they come to your global profile and use information there to build a mobile and dynamically updating version of it on their platform.

It means your journeys around the internet actually add up. If you're an artist it means your entire portfolio goes with you instead of being locked on tumblr when that piece of shit dies. If you're a gamer it means all the worthless skins and shit you already willingly spend $$$ on actually be worth something, can be seen outside of that game's platform, and can be built upon by other developers. The achievements you earn in game can be seen outside of Steam. If you're a simp, it means everyone gets to see that you donated $6000 to Lilypichu, and maybe later down the line she does a special "luv u" doodle for her top donors or something that they can display proudly in their profiles alongside their favorite LoL skins in a virtual gallery (that pulls info from their profile so they don't have to upload anything manually on their end).

People who don't see the transformative nature of this tech and how it reshapes our relationship with the sites we visit and how we use the internet are honestly and unironically low IQ. They're the type who would argue emails are pointless because we have fax machines and nobody has a personal computer due to how slow and expensive they are.

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