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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.53977400 [View]
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I would recommend to NOT move to California as their tax boards for the state are going to destroy what’s left of a once flourishing land of opportunity in trade for a hell hole by their constituents. Firstly, if you think /biz/ is high IQ you’re fucking retarded. High IQ is 145 on a 15SD or higher. The best way to understand /pol/ is that they’re pretty fucking retarded. But - retarded people still understand reality better than abstractionists, because what’s immediately in front of us is what’s often real, not some concept of morality or truth or justice. In that regard, /pol/ is completely correct demographic shift will only create more poverty, crime, and corrupt legislative actions in that state, moreso than any other state due to the sole consequence of intelligence slowly dwindling to a downward spiral from this shocking demographic shift. But this is nationwide, continental, a devastation of the intellectual collective within the West, and it will arise in the form of infrastructure collapse, shortages, and violence. South America is a good representation of how the United States will start to appear as Whites become a minority in the US. Europe may remain relatively stable as the U.S. is twenty years ahead of Europe in cultural adoption, but just like California is twenty years ahead of the rest of us, they are also ahead for all the negatives as well. To begin:

Reparations for slavery WILL go through at some point in California or New York, whichever political house can achieve it first. This will be STATE funded at first, not federally, and although it’s also likely a FEDERAL funded reparations program will go through sometime after late 2030, it will only take place after STATE initiatives are successful. For that reason alone you can expect immense inflation, destroying your purchasing power, and any local economies. If you think five dollars for a grape soda is ridiculous, that’s the future of California.


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