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>> No.53716299 [View]
File: 79 KB, 554x767, stupidsexyhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every nice, deep breath, you breath in about 6 litres of air. At any one point (assuming you’re living and breathing) you’ll be having:

6/22.4=0.268 moles of air inside your body

Since the Avogadro constant (symbol NA)is 6.022e23[1] (or 6.022*10^23), the total amount of “air atoms” (because atmospheric air is a mixture of a lot of stuffs) currently residing in your body is NA*0.268= 1.61e23 (atoms)

The average rate of breathing is one breath every five seconds, or to translate to yearly:

1 (breath) * 12 (blocks of five seconds per minute) * 60 (minutes per hour) * 24 (hours per day) * 365 (days per year) = 6,307,200 breaths per year

Now, our dear Chancellor lived a tumultuous 56 years[2]. In those 56 years he’d have breathed 6,307,200*56=353,203,200 breaths, or 3.53e8 breaths. Multiply that with the amount of atom in one breath, we have 3.55e8*1.61e23=5.68e31.

The molar weight (or weight per mole) of air is 28.866g[3], and since there is approximately 5.15e21g[4] of air in our atmosphere, the mole number of our atmosphere is 5.15e21/28.866=1.78e20 (mols)

Therefore, in our atmosphere there is 1.78e20*NA=1.07e44 (air atoms)

Now, divide the amount of air atoms Hitler breathed in his lifetime with the amount of air atoms in the atmosphere times 100 we have the concentration of Hitler-breathed-air (or Hitlaircentration) of 1.78e20/1.07e44*100=1.66e-22 (%)

Take the inverse of the concentration, you’ll find that for every 6e21 air molecules you breath in, you’ll breath in one atom of Hitler’s air. Take in account of the massive number of atoms you breath in at any one time you get

5.68e31*1.66e-22=9,428,800,000 (Hitler molecules)

Granted, not all 9,428,800,000 Hitler-lecules are inside of you right now - let’s say only 0.001% of Hitler-lecules are actually inside of you, waiting to be turned into useful things for your body. That leaves a staggering 9,428,800 Hitler-lecules inside of you, and that’s just from air alone.

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