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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54256870 [View]
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To open, here is my thesis: "When things are good, things will become bad. When things are bad, things will become good."
I've lived my entire life with this philosophy and it has served me well. When I have to buy a new engine for my business, costing me a year's worth of profit, it objectively, sucks. I also know though, that I won't need a new engine for quite some time now, so things will eventually get better. When optimism and fear are shown in markets and exchanges for commodities, bonds, or other tradeable securities, opportunity is formed. When Covid hit, and oil futures went into the negatives, things sucked. With two potential outcomes possible:
1.) the world is going to end
2.) we survive
Picking we survive tends to be more right than wrong. I only had 8k in my savings and I dumped them all into oil futures using USO. I also borrowed from literally every single person and institution I could and put them into oil futures as well. I walked away with 50k.
A different, more recent event that I am hoping option 2.) is applicable is the current banking crisis. I believe that we will survive, and that so many people are thinking the world is going to end. Throughout EVERY banking crisis and severe economic downturn, we have survived, what makes this one any different? Not much honestly. Banks have always been retarded, but have continued to survive even the worst downturns. One such bank was ZION, a small regional bank that has lots of small depositors, a healthy balance sheet, no exposure to crypto or tech hype, and most importantly, has existed since the 1870s. Many banks may go under, but I don't think ZION will. As such, I bought last week, and will continue to sell covered calls against the position until implied volatility (people thinking option 1.)) goes back down (back to option 2.)

>> No.53668215 [View]
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Going long on a stock, lets say Costco, the potential gainz are from dividend distribution and capital appreciation. I suppose that buying enough also allows control over the company, but that is not part of this equation I'm making. Going short on a stock, potential gains are from capital depreciation. You are also responsible for paying the dividends to the broker.

Going long 100 shares, and short 100 shares, the pricing going up or down counter each other. The dividends also counter each other. I've seen different crypto based derivatives that are worth the same amounts of individual stocks, and can also be shorted. Thing of it is, these derivatives have no dividends, and as such, shorting no longer has the liability of paying dividends.

Aka, long actual stocks, short crypto derivatives that are pegged to the stock value. Therefore, the price change will not matter, but the dividends will still be paid to you.

Aside from the risk of the cryptocurrency in question collapsing, it seems profitable. As long as fees paid for the services are lower than the dividends coming in, can you identify any pitfalls or major traps here?

>> No.49318207 [View]
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Thank you for your valuable input frens

>> No.28644207 [View]
File: 84 KB, 862x634, yeppep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger here **Belches**

Yep, reckon I could polish that off aint nothin *fart*

**Packs Lip**

Figure I want the money up front though mmhmm

>> No.28620030 [View]
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Based, I started out with $20 now I have $2200, we're gonna make it, thanks for the positive vibes OP.

>> No.28110174 [View]
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Do you guys mean U as in UUUU? Do I go all in with my last 3.5k?

>> No.27370050 [View]
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In 3 months we'll find out what will happen 3 months after that which will bring about the big changes 3 months after that!!!

Maybe a new focus team for planning SOMETHING BIG!!!!

I can't wait!!!

>> No.26052539 [View]
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>> No.24954230 [View]
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Last chance to fill your bags under .50, we're about to take off to the moon frens, $1 by Friday.
>feels comfy

>> No.24713913 [View]
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Added Equally to my Bitcoin and Cardano Bags

>> No.23826066 [View]
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Hello, /smg/.
I'm looking for a particular kind of stock to invest to. My parameters for it are very specific so I'd appreciate it if you all could help me identify it.
I'm looking for a stock that would not only go up in value but it quickly and by a large amount. What I mean is, if I am to put 10 dollars in this stock, it would soon turn into 30, 40 or even 100 dollars. Then I plan to sell all my shares of this stock and keep the profit. Now in order to do this, I'll need a stock that's currently very cheap so that I can buy many shares of it. Under NO circumstances should this stock ever go down in value after I purchase it. That's a deal breaker for me.

>> No.23267684 [View]
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Announcement of a partnership anyday. Cash on hand for 3 years expenses and just had an offering 6 weeks ago at 50. Currently 39.
Used to trade this almost 10 years ago, good swinger

>> No.21669019 [View]
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Can confirm as a former application engineer for a large device manufacture. Thailand is a wild ride and given the opportunity go experience it. But fuckall want to live that life 24/7. For my US anons, when you make it. Hit the ranch life.

>> No.21440396 [View]
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I made 500k from $0 by being in crypto for 8 years so I'm not sweating.

>> No.21415518 [View]
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Unironically get a job. Doesn’t have to be too demanding tho. Sounds like you Need some structure in your life bro

>> No.21125490 [View]
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30 linkies fren but I will buy more

>> No.20748777 [View]
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T-thanks dad.

>> No.20613837 [View]
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We need to get this thread back to max comfy.

>> No.20424235 [View]
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Realistically, this coin will end up between 1 and 10 dollars.

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