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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.28389637 [View]
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Seriously, what the fuck did you think would happen? Are you stupid? Are you a complete ignoramus? A newfag? A reddit refugee? A troglodyte? How many fucking flavor of the month memecoins do you have to get scammed by before you recognize the patterns?
>Take popular person/character/company/event
>Copy paste an ERC-20 shitcoin and name it after said thing
>Shill it on /biz/ until retards like (you) buy it
How many times do you have to fooled, duped, swindled and hoodwinked until you realize coins like this always end up the same way? Trumpcoin, NuLink, Coronacoin, Luigicoin McDonalds coin. They are all the fucking same, the exact same scam every fucking time. And yet, greedy idiots like you KEEP FUCKING FALLING FOR IT. You exist during one of the greatest transfers of wealth in human history. There are tens, if not hundreds of actual legitimate projects that you could be speculating on. And yet, every time, without fail, you choose to gamble on stupid fucking memecoins with no real usecase. Do you think you can time the top? Clearly not, because you've been rugged so many times. Do you think it's actual a legit project? I hope not, or else you're retarded. What will it take for idiots like you to realize that there is no reason to buy stupid shit like this? How many times do you have to have the wool pulled over your eyes, before you realize your mistakes? I can't comprehend it. I can't wrap my head around it. I cannot fathom how goddamn dumb and malleable you have to be to buy obvious PnD con jobs like the aforementioned projects. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you make your parents wish they had aborted you every waking moment of their lives? Have you no shame, no sense of decency? Get your shit together, for the love of God. I am sick of midwits like you ruining this board by being easy prey.

>> No.28379041 [View]
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>Continues to misconstrue "hey why does this site go down so much" as wanting 100% uptime
>Acts like even if Coinbase did go Mt.Gox 2.0, that most people wouldn't be covered by their FINRA insurance so long as they're not dumb enough to actually hold coins on there, and just use it to exchange fiat
>Heh dude I just don't care, muh gambling muh drugs

>> No.25564965 [View]
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In the 2017 bullrun, I was eager to learn about different projects. I spent hours everyday reading whitepapers and articles about different altcoins. Now I just shitpost on /biz/ and refuse to learn about new projects, instead I just cling to the ones I learned about back then. What's wrong with me?

>> No.25121285 [DELETED]  [View]
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You have 5 seconds to name SEC proof coins that aren't BTC or ETH.

>> No.24433654 [View]
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>mfw paid off my debts
So do I just get nothing?

>> No.24187529 [View]
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>Two humanities degrees from top 25 uni
>Out of college for year and a half
>Only had a job as bartender that got BTFO by covid
>Been a NEET living with parents for like half a year now
What're my options here? Should I fall for the learn2code meme or try to go to lawschool? I don't really know what to do at this point and I'm feeling suicidal in minecraft.

>> No.23498081 [View]
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>Daytrade anon
>Okay how do I learn about it
>Nah you're too stupid, buy this shitcoin

>> No.22702551 [View]
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>the token itself has no value
>The token needed for ODL has no value
>L-look at this 2019 article from Forbes (not actually from Forbes, but a blog hosted by Forbes.Sites)

>> No.22382016 [View]
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Nah, it's you who needs to go back. This board used to be about finding gems with cutting edge tech and actual usecase. It's how LINK was discovered. Then greedy faggots like you came here from reddit/discord en masse, and only see crypto as a means to getting rich quick. It's disgusting really.

>> No.22329102 [View]
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That literally happened with Bitcoin though? It happened before in the dotcom bubble and tech stocks, and it will happen again, and again after that. I get it, you need to believe in some sort of just-world scenario where hardworking people are the ones who get rewarded. The reality is that plenty of idiots make money from lucky high risk investments. To act like some people on /biz/ won't make it, or already haven't is ignorant. This is not to say that most people will stay poor.

>> No.22235416 [View]
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I wish I got paid to deal with retards like you. Still waiting for any sort of argument. Anything. It does not even have to be good.

>> No.22206081 [View]
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>thanks for the discount

>> No.22164007 [View]
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yeah haha imagine that

>> No.21844387 [View]
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wipe your ass, rakesh.

>> No.21670771 [View]
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>Open relationship

>> No.21326885 [View]
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>tfw sold my 2k stack for a loss in 2017, and stopped accumulating
>Could of had a 20-30k stack before it left 1$
Im gonna fucking kill myself bros...

>> No.21051629 [View]
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>Just circles back to the argument already BTFO in >>21050324 >>21050831 >>21051135
The Banks are all having a huge proponent of Ripple setup their new RTGS. Its not just the BoE. Accenture is also developing the E-krona for Sweden, which uses Corda, and is strongly implied to use XRP as a settlement token. But go ahead, show me these secret blockchain networks all the banks are developing, Jesus Christ, you are stupid.

>> No.20910103 [View]
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Is crypto the only way to reverse the economic damage being caused by zoomers giving money to e-thots like its dirt? Most women are not invested in crypto, and are going to get BTFO when the 4th IR truly begins. When the citadels are formed, how will future-citizens like us deal with the simps who created this problem in the first place?

>> No.20741844 [View]
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Oh, you are a troll.

>> No.19426947 [View]
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How can I profit off of collapsing race relations in the United States?

>> No.19231370 [View]
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Is Solidity worth learning? How long would it take to become proficient enough to get a job with it?

>> No.19183818 [View]
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>> No.19105722 [View]
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Imagine buying this shitcoin, wew

>> No.19049445 [View]
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I agree with you in the sense that XRP was never intended for the front-end consumer, and that Ripple's target demographic has always been financial institutions. But normies are going to use XRP whether they know it our not. It's already beginning with remittance services. Now imagine when Ripple really breaks into global finance, and you can just use XRP as a bridge currency anywhere you travel, so you never have to worry about exchanging shit. Normies will be all over that shit, whether they know it's powered by XRP or not. But yes, those things are probably all just going to be small byproducts of XRP being adopted for its real usecase as bridge between CBDCs.

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