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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.51338195 [View]
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Gonna repost when I fucked over a landlord and won one for the little guy

Gonna repost me fucking over a parasite landlord

>live at apartment for 2 years
>always pay on time and do small shit myself like change broken light fixture etc
>decided to move
>send in 30 day notice
>know I’m not gonna get most of my deposit back, 1800.
>didn’t destroy the place but it’s pretty fucked
>carpets fucked up
>hole in wall from drunk wrestling
>tiles cracked from dropping something on it over the years
>clean up the place somewhat
>contract states that they will hire cleaners and take it out of my deposit so don’t do a great job
>as I’m cleaning out the pantry a giant bag of rice is at the top
>tippy toes trying to reach it
>bag dropped spilling rice everywhere
>eh fuck it
>leave key on counter and lock door leaving forever
>month passes and still no word from them
>call them leaving voicemail and ask where my deposit is
>two months later receive certified letter demanding back pay and damages for $1500
>thats on top of my deposit
>call the land lord and ask what is this? Back pay I have you notice
>she’s a total bitch and says “we received no notice and you have 30 days to pay us or we ARE taking you to court”
>say well I have you signature saying you received my notice
>she thinks I’m bluffing and asks to see it
>send a pic of her signature on a certified return receipt
>she is taken aback and loses all ego
>well you did leave the place a mess
>I looked up the law at this point and say
>”you had 2 weeks to mail me back my deposit or send me an invoice on the charges. I expect my check in the mail within the next three days or I WILL take you to court for double”
>she mails me back my full deposit

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