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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.28542133 [View]
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Don't try to explain it to them.

AVAX keeping its 50 USD position is making these DOT, FTM and ZERO faggots S E E T H E

You won't even remember them when AVAX hits 100 dollars and they keep trying to pajeet their way to 10 dollars profit XD

>> No.28002001 [View]
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Uhhhh... did AVAX just flip DOT with 1/10th the marketcap?

Holy goddamn fucking shit, I thought you guys were meme'ing.


>> No.27244100 [View]
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Literally the comfiest HODL ever.

Market cap just went from 900M to 1B in 3 days, and you KNOW its only MOONin' from here...

>> No.27160967 [View]
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2k stackbro here

Pangolin goes online next week.

Y'all ready for 5x pump?

>> No.26078209 [View]
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Why does me being an AVAX Chad make little /biz/ bitches seethe so much? Let me explain why; psychologically speaking they want to project themselves and their shitcoincs to our peers on 4chan, because they want a safespace for their weakchinned, effeté bodies, face, and personality. They want to be in a safespace of likeminded losers as they defend and shill for substandard coins and tokens. The POSSIBILITY that someone in their safespace actually being an AVAX chad, destroying pussy and being a social bon vivante in lamboland is utterly degenerative to shitcoin self esteem. They are, in every sense of the word, envious because not only do coinlets exist in the worst coin ecosystems on earth to live life fully, but they don't want anybody to have the luxury to live life fully. Those slavshits, armenoids and subhuman arabs/pajeets who FUD AVAX are probably borderline personalities and weak-willed sociopaths, and I see that as the case with too many who have turned you into soft malleable clay for stupidity, conformism and psychopathy.

Trust Emin Gün. Trust the Chosen One.

>> No.26062352 [View]
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Why does me being an AVAXCHAD make you seethe so much? Let me explain why; psychologically speaking you want to project yourself to your peers on /biz/, because you want a safespace for your weakchinned, effeté body, face, and personality. You want to be in a safespace of likeminded maximalists as you defend and shill for your substandard coin. The POSSIBILITY that someone in this safespace actually being a chad with foresight and the wisdom of betting on the Turk Prime, Emin (PBUH), destroying pussy and being a social bon vivante is utterly degenerative to your self esteem. You are, in every sense of the word, envious because not only do you baghold the worst coins on earth to live life fully, but you don't want anybody to NOT have the luxury to live life fully. You're probably a borderline personality and a sociopath, and I see that as the case with too many slavs or pajeets because the FUD regime has turned you into soft malleable clay for stupidity subhumanity, conformism and psychopathy.

>> No.25682330 [View]
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From tthe German litigations page:
>Mr. Metzger, several of our clients have sought our help to fix your help service on your online cryptocurrency exchange platform. The aforementioned EU citizens have complained about their money being stuck in your systems and that you have willfully stopped verification systems and the withdrawal of their invested money from approved verifications. You can not legally prevent withdrawals of any of your client's cryptocurrencies in equal amounts that they had deposited. This is a critical error that you must urgently fix, otherwise they will take this to court. A fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud and/or recover monetary compensation, for example according to section 823 of the German Civil Code) and a criminal wrong (i.e., a fraud perpetrator may be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities according to section 263 of the German Penal Code). If you do not respond to your clients, or solve the helpline complaints within a week, we will have to go to litigation and announce this litigation to the public registrar.

So basically;

Monty has been litigated by several German and French law firms as of yesterday, including K&K Rechtsanwälte , which will absolutely destrpy his little vanity project.

People who get level 1 clearance on KYC, can't fix it or edit it for their "bill" image on Level 2. So the scam is that he actually has created a fraudulent system where your OWN money that you deposit gets stuck at LCX.

He probably has 7-10 days to fix this fraudulent or incompetent practice. As legally you are allowed to withdraw ANYTHING you deposited as long as it is the same amount and from your own deposit. His system right now is preventing it.

Those Pajeet morons who do his tech work might actually get him fucked in a German prison, where the only BTC he will look forward to will be Big Turkish Cock in the showers.

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