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>> No.30175374 [View]
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Oh was this a bait LARP thread? I'm out.

Everyone that posts in this bait thread after me will die in his sleep. No immunity.

>> No.26273786 [View]
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It will be heavily regulated but not banned. After regulation cryptos will be much more widely adopted (barring the old "criminal" users of the past) and will go up even further.

Especially with BIden's inflationary policies, the fundamentals are still bullish long run.

>> No.25709644 [View]
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Manchin and that other Democrat senator that reliably votes Republican will definitely vote against such a bill (unless significant concessions are made)

>> No.23317801 [View]
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>Since we managed to get rid of the SLV moron
No it's the same guy. see >>23316148

>> No.23115296 [View]
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Daily reminder: 95% of people already decided who to vote for last year.

>> No.22963838 [View]
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You need a central authoritative state to enforce wealth sharing and redistribution because many people won't want to share (e.g. Kulaks and middle-upper class telling the state to fuck off), and it's a massive undertaking to redistribute wealth without a massive state to organize and force it. This is why an egalitarian anarco-type Communism will never work.

Anyways, giving all the power and wealth to a single central party always ends up with power hungry and greedy party members taking more and more and giving less back to the people. That's why all Communist experiments so far ended up as corrupt inefficient authoritarian states. Also the unicorn examples of tiny egalitarian socialist states don't count as they did not last long enough to become corrupt centralized states (or they were just small communities, where decentralized egalitarian socialism/communism can actually work realistically).

Anyways, my point is that a centralized authoritative state that doesn't redistribute shit and hoard all the power and resources is the natural conclusion of Communism. Thus it is RealCommunism™.

>> No.22772681 [View]
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I like how all the comments ITT ridiculing zerohedge are just short >zerohedge comments that never explain what's wrong with it.

Probably legit bots.

>> No.22519655 [View]
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Unlike basic bitch crypto, metals have no chance of becoming 0, and unless your home gets physically robbed there is no chance of losing it either. Also metals are first and foremost a safe haven, not an investment.

Different risks and benefits. Stop comparing. Fuck off

>> No.22452081 [View]
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Crypto is going up again. Strong signs metals are on its way up again on Monday.

>> No.22450638 [View]
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Cavalry is gay.

>> No.22185157 [View]
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Nobody here actually buys your shit scam coin and you're just wasting your time.

Off to shill the next scam!~

>> No.22151844 [View]
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Anyone that shills this Indian/Chinese shit scam will die in their sleep tonight and burn in hell.

Anyone that buys this obvious scam will die in their sleep within a week

>> No.22144913 [View]
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All scammers will burn in hell.

Don't believe in hell? You will go to Atheist hell.

>> No.22133504 [View]
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Crypto is seen as an alternative to the US Dollar, and US dollar's value skyrocketed today due to the Euro weakening.

See the DXY.

>> No.22110814 [View]
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shut the fuck up you stupid curry mother fuckers

>> No.22109132 [View]
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>> No.22021884 [View]
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PVC in those white PVC pipes and PVC in PVC flips are entirely different things. PVC flips have the damaging plasticizer and phenolted oil. PVC pipes don't. PVC pipes are proven long term storage vessels.

>> No.21885008 [View]
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Pro tip: OP with non-PM related pic are 30-40% slower

>> No.21849452 [View]
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People that discuss politics ITT will die in their sleep tonight

>> No.20540780 [View]
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the line's going vertical! Do we have liftoff! (??)

>> No.20085514 [View]
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Hi idiot OPs that post thots to attract viewers:

I just watch the .jpg or webm and leave. Don't even read your posts and never answer questions. Bye.

>> No.20002086 [View]
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Everyone ITT must leave /biz/ for 1 hour or else they will face tragedy within 3 days

>> No.19001292 [View]
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>look at korea already opening up bars and nightclubs
Korea is shutting down again because a gay nurse was a superspreader

>> No.18630625 [View]
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If you're buying gold in the UK buy gold minted by the Royal Mint. Only gold minted by the UK is exempt from capital gains tax when you sell it later.

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