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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.50372766 [View]
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Not going to hate on you, if you enjoy this and you're happy then I'm happy for you and wish you the absolute best.

I don't know how old you are and how much experience you have in life so take the following with a grain of salt.

However. You're most likely going to grow out of the "trad" mindset as you get older. I'm in my mid-30s now and I had to divorce my trad ex-wife because I got bored of her and realized my "trad" LARPing was just borne from insecurity and a feeling of inadequacy. I was afraid of being cheated on or not being able to compete with other men so I wanted a "trad-wife" as that would protect me from these things.

As I got older, less insecure and more mature I stopped caring about these things. I'm not afraid of being cheated on because I know that won't happen. I am not intimidated by experienced women that have other men because I now know I can more than compete with them.

As my mindset changed I started to realize that I didn't love my wife, I loved the idea of her and the stability it brought. But it also bored me out of my mind.

I divorced her, we now share custody of our son which I see on the weekends. Meanwhile I now have an open relationship with 3 women that are 10 years younger than me. It feels like the chains are lifted from me and I'm finally legitimately happy.

So if you're reading this and this post appealed even a small bit to you MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MARRY. You might regret it like me and as you get older you will grow beyond this trad LARPing phase as your brain matures and you become more secure in life.

>> No.12685895 [View]
File: 43 KB, 666x666, hodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gonna hodl for 10 000 year faggit
eat shit and die

>> No.12611053 [View]
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>and after we ejaculate into our shared big Mac
that is disgusting faggot, even in 4channel

>> No.10961418 [View]
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>%13.21 today so far


>> No.9345723 [View]
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put me in the screencap

>> No.9053650 [View]
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How do I get into this? I'm 6'2 and starting to get muscular (1 year of daily gym usage so nothing big but i'm in shape). I have a BBW fetish and like older women.

Would genuinely like to get paid to do what I love.

>> No.8833154 [View]
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Depends on what you do. Try to find a job that actually helps your personal life. I am a food delivery person that delivers food using a bike so I train my body and get cardio from my job. I basically get paid to train and be healthy. I also get free food from rejected meals which can be a pro if it's sushi or things like that.

If you are sitting in the office for 8 hours a day staring at the screen all day then you are going to hate your life.

Try to just live your life and think about how you can make money doing what you would do anyway. For me it resulted in bicycle delivery since I would do that for cardio anyway. Maybe it's Gym assistant if you are /fit/ or get a lifeguard course if you hang out at the beach a lot and like to flirt with girls. Bartender if you are clubbing a lot if you want to party and meet partygirls while getting paid to do so.

A friend of mine became an assistant park ranger since he liked to hike in nature.

I fucking love my job/life and if you enjoy your work it's like getting paid for practicing your hobbies.

I hate that people nowadays have the idea that work NEEDS to be boring or whatever. Just do what you would do anyway but try to get paid for it and you're golden.

>> No.8621497 [View]
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Dude well done, I enjoyed it. Ignore these other cunts.

>> No.8434139 [View]
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>> No.8364236 [View]
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Let's find out the truth /biz/


>> No.8310057 [View]
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I probably don't have any right of speaking as I never had a job and got lucky enough to sell TF2 hats for a couple hundred of BTC in 2010 that I forgot about until I was rich already.

However if you are a NEET you are absolutely worthless piece of shit. I'm a business owner now. I own a sobaya in the US that caters to weaboos and people that want to eat real soba and ramen.

I have 8 employees of which the manager is an actual Japanese man.

These people work hard as fuck and actually contribute to society.

Meanwhile you people are literally on welfare in your little room typing at other people like my employees that they are cucks instead of adding value to society.

Get a fucking job or start a business sometime for fucks sake.

>> No.7676717 [View]
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This is a fucking meme. Intelligence is overrated as fuck.

Do you know what is the real difference between successful and unsuccesful people? Habit.

Not the bullshit "Keep trying when you fail" not the bullshit "Be born intelligent" Not even the fabled "Connections and knowing people".

What made me rich was my habit of spending 3 hours a day studying as much as possible for over 30 years already. I Speak English German Dutch 日本語. I know Javascript Python C(and C derivatives).

And I'm not above average in intelligence. I'm not well connected or born rich. And I definitely didn't fail a lot so that I could improve. But I still ended up rich and all of my old highschool peers that either came from rich families or were overachievers in terms of grades and intelligence all failed somewhere.

Just do the time and develop the habit to hone a skill every single day. And it shouldn't be "motivation" or anything along that line. That's bullshit and temporary. It should be a HABIT. A literal part of your personality to work on something for a couple hours every day. I'm still in my early thirties but by the time I'm at retirement age I'll probably speak 20 languages and am a multidisciplinary expert into multiple fields.

The point I'm trying to make is that EVERYONE reading this post could do the same. Just try and do something >EVERY DAY< and make it a habit. Don't think "I don't feel so great today" "Oh I went to work and am tired as fuck let's skip today" because this would fuck you up. Even when I had a fucking traffic accident I still did some practice in the fucking hospital every day.

TL;DR: Make improvement a natural habit in your daily life and you'll become one of the most skilled people alive in the world with all the benefits (financial,romantic) that comes along with that.

>> No.7488413 [View]
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None of this shit will even be around in 5 years.

This is like asking "Should I invest in Yahoo, MSN or Myspace?" in the 90s/early 00s. None of these coins will be around in 5 years. Especially not now that there is real money behind it and serious companies are going to come in and overtake the market in the long run.

Don't be retarded do you really think Bitcoin or Ethereum that are made by a couple of autist enthusiasts are going to still be around when genuine investment money behind engineering companies with 100s of employees will release their own crypto projects in the coming years?

Don't be retarded. Still buy them now but sell them somewhere between now and when the REAL winners show up on the market. You want to buy the Facebook/Google/Amazon of crypto.

And honestly they don't exist yet, I don't care whatever people say all coins around right now are still amateur level technology and implementations compared to what's to come.

>> No.7044374 [View]
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Electrical Engineer.

40k euro a year which is about 50-60k USD. However I quit my job last year when ETH reached $100 and I never had to work again.

Also to young people. Never trust the wages given on /biz/ These people are all lying fucks. Electrical Engineering is one of the highest paid profesions and I had 5 years of work experience with a cum laude masters degree of a top 20 international university. Yet I made barely 60-70k (after tax).

All these $300,000 is all bullshit and is only something you'll make if you run your own company. NEVER as a wage. Except if you are an unique industry expert but there are only thousands of those in the world.

The reason most people are depressed in the west is because they have an over inflated expectation of the real world, They think "as long as I get my masters/PH.D in some hard STEM field I will be set.

This is a lie that parents perpetuate the only way to richness if you GRAB it yourself. This means working for your own and carving your own empire. Start your own fucking business or be a great investor. Wage will only give you experience and seed capital for your own company. It will NOT bring you riches..

>> No.7036674 [View]
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That's pretty funny. I paid a LOT of money to WAIVE my US citizenship so I didn't have to pay double taxes on the money I make outside of the US.

>> No.6688160 [View]
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Daytrading is mathematically proven to produce subpar profit compared to buying and holding the right coins and selling them at specific technical milestones.

TA techniques have a success rate of close to 50%

But even with that said the funniest thing about crypto at least in /biz/ is that everyone reacts the fucking opposite as they are supposed to. You should feel FOMO when something drops in price. And you should feel nervous and FUD when the coin you are holding is mooning. As long as you sell your coins during their moons and buy (good) coins when they are crashing you can't really do bad with day trading.

Still like I said they still provide subpar return on investment than just holding coins for 1-2 month until technical milestones such as mainnet release. That's how 2 buddies of mine became millionaires from early 2016 until late 2017.

>> No.5689838 [View]
File: 43 KB, 666x666, 1514132795540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke 500k just today.

Never thought that I'll have the opportunity to earn money I never thought I'll see in my live on 4chan while posting pink wojaks and pepes.

Thank you all. Best Timeline.

>> No.5428939 [View]
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If you are a /biz/ regular Forex is not your thing. If you don't even know basic econ 101 formulas such as MV=PT you will NEVER make profit with Forex.

The thing is the people that actually are knowledgeable enough about economics to make profit off of FOREX don't have to browse this thread.

Therefor I can safely say that if you are reading this thread looking for a new source of income now that you are doubting in the short-medium term of crypto. You won't find a new home in forex-trading.

If some of you are capable enough to mathematically describe quantitative easing, Deflationary spirals and treasury bond swapping then I might want to show you the ropes and take you under my wing.

Otherwise. Stick to crypto.

>> No.4851415 [View]
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Have you guys realized that only 40% of the stores that accepted BTC in 2016 still accepts BTC as payment right now?

The transaction fees are now $30 at a MINIMUM. Meaning for most businesses it becomes unprofitable to accept bitcoin. STEAM dropped bitcoin today.

As the prices get higher the transaction fee will become even higher meaning that even more stores are forced to refuse BTC since it becomes unprofitable for them as well.

How can you people not see the bubble collapsing right now? The coin is literally becoming more and more useless over time.

This reminds me hardcore of the moment when .com domains were becoming unprofitable to buy and set up and slowly caused the collapse that popped the dotcom bubble.

We already have reached the point where bitcoin is not viable as a currency anymore. Just like the dotcom domains reached the point that they couldn't be used for actual domains anymore caused the crash. THIS will cause the bitcoin crash.

Remember CRYPTOCURRENCY is here to stay. It's just bitcoin (And other high transaction fee coins like Monero) that will go away.

Don't be retarded and greedy. Read up on how Lightning Network actually works before thinking it will save bitcoin.

Don't be the guy that looks back on this moment in time this comment and think "Fuck I had been warned why didn't I listen".

>> No.4138676 [View]
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>In our lifetimes.

I'm still only in my late thirties but I have seen the fall of the iron curtain. The fall of the soviet union.

Seen numerous market leaders such as Kodak,IBM,Nokia Just straight up CRUMBLE because they didn't adapt to the market in time.

Rise of personal computers,Internet,Mobile phones,Smartphones,Social media,Neural Networks,Blockchain.

I've seen the dot-com,Beanie baby,app development bubbles all grow and collapse.

I know that almost nothing stays relevant in the long run. The top 500 biggest corporations in the world right now only 5% of them existed when I was born. Of the top 500 companies when I was born 90% are bankrupt now.

If you don't think bitcoin will fall within 1 or 2 decades then you are just too young to know how rapidly the world changes around you all the time.

>> No.4038888 [View]
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You should invest your time in a job to actually build some investment capital. Otherwise you're never going to make it.

>> No.3999839 [View]
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$0.60 eoy depending on the news and if it gets on another exchange.

I think it'll stay below $1 for a while and stay idle for maybe multiple years even but I still think LINK will become one of the big 3 coins next to ETH and bitcoin.

If you look at the bitcoin and ETH history you'll see that it also stayed idle at some price point for quite some time before having rapid adoption.

We are the people that bought ETH at the very start and complain about it not growing much within the first couple of years. I remember this phase as I was an early investor in both ETH and Bitcoin which I sadly both sold very early. Not going to make the same mistake with LINK though. Going to hold it VERY long term.

>> No.3850475 [View]
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>1% a day

Let's say you put in $100. You'll get 47% of your initial investment back plus your initial investment every 6 weeks.

Lets say you reinvest your money immediately after those 6 weeks. The first year alone you'd make 100*1.47^8.(2/3)= $2818.93

Now lets say you keep doing this for 5 years you'd have 1,779,994,074.40.

Yeah you'd be almost a multi billionaire in 5 years time by just investing $100 into it.

See how this is a ponzi scheme. There's no way this is sustainable.

>> No.3065272 [View]
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I'm scared bros.

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