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>> No.28819319 [View]
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>> No.16738804 [View]
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exceedingly bullish.

>> No.14010383 [View]
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Who cares? You some kind of faggot who wants a man to sell you the weed?

>> No.9682160 [View]
File: 873 KB, 500x500, onearmedchad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is nobody talking about this 20% moon?

>> No.9222799 [View]
File: 873 KB, 500x500, women in a nutshell.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so powerful

>> No.8496362 [View]
File: 873 KB, 500x500, wage gap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting roasties in their place is bad
fuck off faggot. stream your suicide.

>> No.8496195 [View]
File: 873 KB, 500x500, wage gap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting dumbshit roasties in their place is bad

>> No.8436747 [View]
File: 873 KB, 500x500, wage gap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent: 2500
>i want to live in a nice condo downtown what do you mean i can't afford it?

>student loans: 26,000
>dropped out sophomore year
>paid ~$20k per year for kike brainwashing

>credit card debt: $30,000 at 25% APR

>owes $15,000 to brand
>spend majority of the 15,000 on "new items"
this means she constantly buys stupid bullshit like gucci bags and whores herself out on instagram to try to get gucci to "sponsor" her

you know who else "sponsors" these whores? dubai princes. i bet she's too ugly to be accosted by a saudi prince to shit in her mouth for $20k TOP LMAO

>my parents and boyfriend hate me past the point of helping me
lmao they probably told this dumb bitch not to try to be a instawhore "model" and she went psycho on them


women. not even once.


>> No.8422507 [View]
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The best meme tells the truth... That's it. That simple.

>Crypto adopted worldwide regardless of age, demographic, poverty level, access to technology, banking, or government.
>Created endless wealth for new generation
>95% male

Why were women the only humans on the planet to miss out? Black men, china men, poor men, teenaged dorky boys, the elite, the under privelaged, the unbanked... EVERYONE ON THE PLANET except WOMEN.

>> No.8105793 [View]
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>> No.8091531 [View]
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>Why are women so powerful?

>> No.8045504 [View]
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>Why are women so powerful?

>> No.8005879 [View]
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The best meme tells the truth... That's it. That simple.

>Crypto adopted worldwide regardless of age, demographic, poverty level, access to technology, banking, or government.
>Created endless wealth for new generation
>95% male

Why were women the only humans on the planet to miss out? Black men, china men, poor men, teenaged dorky boys, the elite, the under privelaged, the unbanked... EVERYONE ON THE PLANET except WOMEN.

>> No.7995790 [View]
File: 873 KB, 500x500, wage gap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women and men are equal! women are just as capable as men!
>men have made crypto too hard for women to get into!

>> No.7618771 [View]
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>you are so intimidated and afraid of them.
top cuck. nice bait

>> No.7557887 [View]
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>women, with their overblown egos due to jewish mind control, will attempt to halt all forward progress for no other reason then to show how Strong Wymyn they are

>> No.7514527 [View]
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"They say women cant figure out how to buy cryptos. I'll show them" #GirlsWhoCoin

>> No.7425683 [View]
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>attractive women
irrelevant. we're targeting lefties

>average camwhore
doesn't make money. the camwhore market is too saturated and trap camwhores are starting to make more than the attractive women

>when men are better at pretending to be girls than women are at actually being girls
the absolute STATE

>> No.7423964 [View]
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>women and men are the same! gender is a social construct and biological sex doesn't exist!
>bitcoin is male-dominated and the men are excluding us women!

>> No.5932895 [View]
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>> No.5893203 [View]
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"I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—men will always earn more than women. They take more risks, and spend a lot more time finding ways to earn money. Despite close to 100 years of legislation to hinder men relative to women, men always find novel ways to generate wealth.

By the time the government completely invaded universities and set up its gynocentric curriculum, men dropped out of school and became Bitcoin millionaires.

Despite trillions in legislation to promote equality, a new patriarchy just emerged. A Bitcoin was worth just a few cents in 2009, and is now worth around 17,000$. The Bitcoin empire, and its market capitalization of $350 billion, is now worth more than Israel, Ireland, or Denmark. And like any system that isn’t regulated by the government—it’s entirely controlled by men.

I was taught that the patriarchy existed because men were physically stronger and coerced women into a subordinate role. So what’s their excuse this time? It’s not like you need physical strength for mining Bitcoins.

Coinbase, a website where cryptofanatics can exchange their currencies, conducted a survey recently. At least 95% of it’s users were male. That’s a whopping majority. The 5% of women were probably there to sell the Bitcoins that men gave them anyway.

Bitcoin, which was originally the project of a pseudo-Japanese anonymous weeaboo in his unemployed years, turned out massive and profitable. It’s at this moment that it became a feminist issue. Put this one on your calendar—March 8th is Bitcoin Women’s Day. If you want to contribute, join the Facebook page of BitcoinWomen, they already have 39 members and a profile picture.

>> No.5188479 [View]
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"I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—men will always earn more than women. They take more risks, and spend a lot more time finding ways to earn money. Despite close to 100 years of legislation to hinder men relative to women, men always find novel ways to generate wealth.

By the time the government completely invaded universities and set up its gynocentric curriculum, men dropped out of school and became Bitcoin millionaires.

Despite trillions in legislation to promote equality, a new patriarchy just emerged. A Bitcoin was worth just a few cents in 2009, and is now worth around 17,000$. The Bitcoin empire, and its market capitalization of $350 billion, is now worth more than Israel, Ireland, or Denmark. And like any system that isn’t regulated by the government—it’s entirely controlled by men.

I was taught that the patriarchy existed because men were physically stronger and coerced women into a subordinate role. So what’s their excuse this time? It’s not like you need physical strength for mining Bitcoins.

Coinbase, a website where cryptofanatics can exchange their currencies, conducted a survey recently. At least 95% of it’s users were male. That’s a whopping majority. The 5% of women were probably there to sell the Bitcoins that men gave them anyway.

Bitcoin, which was originally the project of a pseudo-Japanese anonymous weeaboo in his unemployed years, turned out massive and profitable. It’s at this moment that it became a feminist issue. Put this one on your calendar—March 8th is Bitcoin Women’s Day. If you want to contribute, join the Facebook page of BitcoinWomen, they already have 39 members and a profile picture.

>> No.5158739 [View]
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"I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—men will always earn more than women. They take more risks, and spend a lot more time finding ways to earn money. Despite close to 100 years of legislation to hinder men relative to women, men always find novel ways to generate wealth.

By the time the government completely invaded universities and set up its gynocentric curriculum, men dropped out of school and became Bitcoin millionaires.

Despite trillions in legislation to promote equality, a new patriarchy just emerged. A Bitcoin was worth just a few cents in 2009, and is now worth around 17,000$. The Bitcoin empire, and its market capitalization of $350 billion, is now worth more than Israel, Ireland, or Denmark. And like any system that isn’t regulated by the government—it’s entirely controlled by men.

I was taught that the patriarchy existed because men were physically stronger and coerced women into a subordinate role. So what’s their excuse this time? It’s not like you need physical strength for mining Bitcoins.

Coinbase, a website where cryptofanatics can exchange their currencies, conducted a survey recently. At least 95% of it’s users were male. That’s a whopping majority. The 5% of women were probably there to sell the Bitcoins that men gave them anyway.

Bitcoin, which was originally the project of a pseudo-Japanese anonymous weeaboo in his unemployed years, turned out massive and profitable. It’s at this moment that it became a feminist issue. Put this one on your calendar—March 8th is Bitcoin Women’s Day. If you want to contribute, join the Facebook page of BitcoinWomen, they already have 39 members and a profile picture.

>> No.5138758 [View]
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To demonstrate that women can do it too, a feminist named Galia Benartzi tried to create her own cryptocurrency. “We have an opportunity to rebuild the financial system,” she said. “Are we going to do it with all guys again?” Her cryptocurrency, Bancor token, had one of the worst performances of all cryptocurrencies, according to Bloomberg.

Here’s what’s funny about the fact that women don’t own Bitcoin. For close to 100 years, the government has forced the involvement of women in all spheres of life. After trillions in programs to transform them into men, women weren’t able to properly identify this unprecendented opportunity. Despite a century of efforts on the (male) taxpayer’s dime, a new patriarchy the size of a country emerged in just a few years. And now girls sell their nudes in exchanges for 1/1000th of a Bitcoin.

In 2010, thousands of women were employed full-time to promote feminist theory and legislation. Their goal: to smash the patriarchy. They gave us female superheroes, they voted for Hillary, they were in total control of published media, they replaced university professors, they put quotas for female executives, they took half your income to fund all of these programs… but the Bitcoin train went right past them.

Bitcoin is a perfect example why there will always be some sort of patriarchy. Men will always find ways to be wealthy, because they have motivation to do so. By the time a system is successful and the government makes it “female-friendly”, men have already moved on. Our weaponized autism cannot be unloaded."


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