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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.23232885 [View]
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Those of you who trade longer-term, please fill out this brief questionnaire:
Heaviest current bag which you want to hold until profits?
Heaviest current bag you're just waiting for a way out from under at partial loss?
Heaviest current bag you opened your position on this year post-crash?
Traditional consoles are a zombie market on a timer, Steam is the future, that's why Epic and Ubisoft and everyone else under the sun are trying to be them. Other than that, big money is in leaders in the new generation of tablet-consoles like the Switch (so Nintendo) and in mobile game markets (hence the cringeworthy but important Apple/Epic legal feud where no one is right and everyone loses)
Did you know that there are parts of Alaska which follow an "extinction cycle"? Vegetation is sparse, so herbivores find good grazing areas, move in and breed up to capacity, then wolves move in and hunt them to near-extinction, then the wolves die off for lack of food in the area as the vegetation slowly recovers, and in another decade or so another group of rabbits or something moves in and the cycle repeats. None of that will be disturbed by a few holes in the ground somewhere.

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