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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9871099 [View]
File: 94 KB, 1580x943, 6th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TinFoilHatTime, what's better than speculating on conspiracies in the times of a depression?
Oh my, what a wild few weeks on /biz/. Many people are starting to unravel something but can't quite grasp at what it is YET. But for those hungry for the information, i'll guide you along the way. But considering the nature of the information, you will have to do the work yourself.
January 6th, February 6th, March 6th, April 6th and May 6th. June 6th? Seems the pattern abrubtly stopped when people started noticing it? How's that? Was it really the the date 6 or is there more?

So this picture shows you
>Purple = High/Low
>Orange Line = the date 6 of any given month
>If there is no orange line you can assume for that month the high/low was on the 6th.

Looking at this you can see that it topped/bottemed twice on the daily on the 6th from where it started a trend reversal. And you could count a 3th time at the last high of 9.9k since the highs on the 5th and the 6th are virtually the same. Okay lets look at it from both angles then.
If you count 3 dates where the price exactly topped/bottomed on the 6th you get ... 666 That is 3, 6's now coïncidentially Bitcoin is now at 6k for the 3th this bear market. 666
If you count 2 dates where the price exactly topped/bottomed on the 6th you get.... 66. 66 flipped is 99, put a dot inbetween and you get 9.9k the last high.

But now I'm going to tell you, that although correlated it is not the cause. The real cause is far simpeler and I discovered it studying past data of several markets including this one. We have one phrase in crypto which is echoing troughout the market. The reason I can't just blatantly tell you is because the rabbit hole goes to deep to discuss such matters.

Now everyone knows this market is manipulated, but what do people NOT know and where could you get an edge? Isn't that what everyone wants? An edge? So why are you looking at indicators everyone's looking at?

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