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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59732551 [View]
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why do they all look like bad guys in a medieval-set movie

>> No.54760774 [View]
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that is a man

>> No.54395676 [View]
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Now imagine if all those faggot bbby retards had just bought GME instead

>> No.54192477 [View]
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>women don't like guys who are beautiful, he's not a real man
cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.54034818 [View]
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>maybe THIS post will get them to sell

>> No.53324583 [View]
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100%, it's tomorrow

>> No.51325817 [View]
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Turns out, we were all gonna WAGMI all along! Ahahaha!! Shills btfo!

>> No.51040609 [View]
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>AMC down 40%
This is nice.

>> No.50767581 [View]
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checked and no, they really are that stupid

>> No.50466391 [View]
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You posted this in the last thread! Don't tell me you're running out of dumb shit to post? Have you not been given an updated script?

>> No.50309830 [View]
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what did you eat, big guy?

>> No.49957321 [View]
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>My friends are going to DC to "protest"
normie behaviour, they want to feel like they've done something without actually doing anything so they can feel superior to others who haven't "shown their disgust"

>My gf is also heavily considering getting birth control.
this is a win for you, now you can raw dog it

>> No.49879829 [View]
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>It’s been an environment where we believe that holding stock outright long is likely to be a punishing experience

for him

>> No.49722697 [View]
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As long as your business caters to convenience and is good value, you will do very will during a recession. When we reach the bottom, I'll be investing in fast food and dollar stores

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