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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58813845 [View]
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Only have a few years left in the tank before I check out of this dimension. I'm tired bros and there's not really much left for me to experience. Things are only getting worse as I get older.

Anyone know this feel?

>> No.58780052 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1669066428462143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sun.

>> No.58445605 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1640017592988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My future existence depends on $100, not even joking. I'm fucking tired bros.

>> No.58418547 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1640017592988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>email verification
>board dead
>BTC halving, BTC dumping
>Sergey still farting in the dev room
>ocean space aliens controlling humanity

it's fucking over

>> No.58235451 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1679048573677882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was briefly in 6 figure hell when BTC reached ath, which is good considering it's only been a year and a half since I started.
However, my mindset towards money has changed so drastically that I'm now wondering why I even want a ton of the stuff since there's basically nothing I ever want to buy.
I've become so blind to almost everything in a store. I don't even see it. The goyslop and the pointless items. I go into a store with a specific thing in mind, and the rest is noise.
Is this a good thing or not? On one hand I'm building wealth faster than ever before, but on the other hand, I never ever buy anything.
Me treating myself would be me getting a box of green tea or a whetstone (the only items I've bought for myself in the past month).
The idea of spending money on something that won't generate more money is very off-putting to me.

>> No.57794720 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1640017592988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need $130 LINK to make it bros

>> No.57705348 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1659568484896919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with short term capital gains? Should I be setting aside 30% of every sale for taxes?

>> No.57285353 [View]
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I bought ETH instead of TIA

>> No.55078585 [View]
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Newfags will want to open a short on this lol we will have a /tgd/ target general daily thread in the year 2026 full of eternal bagholders

>> No.54918709 [View]
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>> No.54170567 [View]
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i made some stupid decisions which left me indebted with about 200 grands. ive contacted an appraisal and he said my house could go for 250k, maybe 300 after taxes, enough to pay off the debt, and i still have a bit of money left for a degree or small business in case i want to do something with my life. the hard part is im a bit sentimental about the house. wdy think /biz ?

>> No.53064110 [View]
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>> No.52554610 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1656503179131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep sucking on those red dildos anonfag. Kek

>> No.51502722 [View]
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it's all over tomorrow

>> No.51038348 [View]
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gonna need powell to pump another 19 trillion into the economy again

>> No.50941672 [View]
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I didn't buy BBBY

>> No.50836800 [View]
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my tqqq calls are gonna be itm now

>> No.50802583 [View]
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I get that you're mad about missing the bottom, but if you don't buy this dip enjoy missing the melt up.

>> No.50798757 [View]
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Fuck off scumrag.
Strong_block nodes faltered and was left crashing like a pack of cards after node rewards for depleted. Is this another pon_zi scheme?
I'd rather stroke my wet leather all day long desu

>> No.50798081 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1655763893665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a Bobo and I still hate this clown market

>> No.50758202 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1655763893665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal garbage like AMC, GME, BBBY and CVNA running
>mumus arrogant and delusional all week
literally fell for return to normal pump and dump, retoilets

>> No.50746015 [View]
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I just want my weekends to myself, but ya the extra money is great.

>> No.50724883 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1655763893665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought SQQQ near the top of today, yet I'm worried about Mumu retard strength. Will I be okay?

>> No.50320749 [View]
File: 747 KB, 672x836, 1656503179131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And how about some LUNC?
I still find it difficult to believe retards on this board bought LUNA twice and will still buy new strains of Do Kwon's Cancer.
I wish Adolph Hitler had killed you Indians and not Jews.
Web3 is the fucking future

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