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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58355235 [View]
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see pic. The definitive proof of massive state involvement in society and the economy. And it's only the tip of the iceberg, they exercise additional power in laws/regs, central bank policy. They raise even more revenue in debt and through inflation.

>> No.58144676 [View]
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No clue how it's all going to shake out

>> No.58141663 [View]
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100 years ago income/business taxes did not exist and were called unconstitutional

After two world wars they were snuck through as "emergency taxes" and the American people were tricked into accepting tax slavery

Nice try poopdick

>> No.57888449 [View]
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If you make $50k a year you are still paying

>federal income tax
>state income tax
>local income tax
>local city/school taxes
>social security
>sales tax
>property tax
>gas tax
>inheritance tax

If you don't understand the combined weight of all of that, compounded over a lifetime, you're a brainlet that shouldn't be on a money/business/finance board. There is a reason why 3 out of the 5 richest counties in the US surround DC.

>> No.57871783 [View]
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You called me dogmatic, not an ideologue. It's pretty simple, what do they call the people who enforce free markets and privatization? Fascists. Honestly, give it whatever term you want. Once cancer gets to a certain point it needs chemo.

>> No.57727669 [View]
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Vote against it. Rail against it. Share with everyone you know the true history of it. There is a growing, serious movement to abolish it entirely and it could def gain steam as people get poorer and angrier about their work being taxed.

>> No.57680377 [View]
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You get the representation you deserve. Men would have never allowed it to get to that point. They would have held their reps accountable and voted out every fag who even suggested it. There's a reason why it immediately followed women's suffrage. In a male only voting environment it was literally rendered unconstitutional. Women are the gateway to sneaking by all sorts of shit cancerous things while being distracted with feminism and abortion. Any time a rep wants to push through anything terrible they say "you wouldn't want to be a bad person would you?" and it works.

>> No.57607997 [View]
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You are a cuck for oligarchs. You have bought into their biggest and most successful lie which is: the state is decoupled from the oligarchy. Absolutely not. The oligarchy uses the state. We are a mercantile republic. Every republic ends up inevitably a mercantile, quasi socialist state, where the entire engine is built around sucking the wealth and productivity of the people to feed into the state/megacorp consortium.

Waving a wand and asking for more wages isn't the answer. Breaking down the web of regulations and the chains of tax slavery (which only apply to individuals, small/medium sized business, by design), is. And stop fucking flooding warm bodies in over the border.

>> No.57592380 [View]
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>taxes higher than ever
>government failing at their most very basic functions and rerouting all of that money they robbed from us to welfare queens, bureaucrats, and Jews

The United Jewish Tax Farm of America

>> No.57571770 [View]
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Say no to any and all new taxes. Make these corrupt kikes fix their own budgets and find the money there.

>> No.57521736 [View]
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Jesus advocated for you to willingly give charity directly to those who need it. Not weaponize the state into a massive tax extraction/grift farm, self enrichment tool for bureaucrats.

>> No.57384685 [View]
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>it's annoying ass tax season again

Eliminate income taxes, on both individuals and businesses. Enough with this monstrous, anti-productivity system. Enough with the annoyance and assholery on an annual basis having to figure out "what we owe." Sales taxes, excise taxes/tariffs, property taxes, gas taxes, whatever, those are all paid as we go, but enough with this atrocious income tax system. Just an insufferably, deliberately convoluted way for rich people and welfare queens to skirt by, while the working class gets fucked.

>> No.57343352 [View]
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Nope. Cut down the federal government significantly, get rid of all the useless bureaucracy, trim down welfare to the very most needy, and end income taxes on both individuals and businesses. Screw this system of quasi-socialist serfdom.

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