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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.30253773 [View]
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based, but the /g/ schizo trannies will always hate Brave. They're literal trannies who are still mad that Brendan voted against gay marriage or something

/biz/ is pajeets that hate the idea of losing fraudulent ad revenue because of Brave. /g/ is trannies that hate Brave for psychotic reasons. Brave/BAT are too good for either board

>> No.30018270 [View]
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It's actually pretty amazing because Eich & Co. just keep their heads down, continue building the browser and the BAT ecosystem, and do not give a fuck about what anyone else says. They do all this with basically about as little hype or vaporware bullshit promises as possible.

That's one reason why I think BAT is so undervalued. People refuse to learn about things on their own. They wait for the "smart people" they trust to tell them what to do. Soon enough the smart/famous people and other charlatans will be shilling Brave/BAT, and then we'll all be proven correct.

>> No.28731494 [View]
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It's important to shill Brave every once in a while on /biz/ to the crypto crowd. For example, Brave's already building its own crypto wallet so it won't have to rely on metamask. Brave's wallet will be built into the browser.

People can argue browser wars, which browser is the most private, etc. but at the end of the day, Brave is the only browser taking active, meaningful steps to be the next generation browser. It's cornering the crypto field. Crypto is an essential part of the browser. Anybody that believes in crypto being a big part of the future should start using Brave immediately.

>> No.24960944 [View]
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody give me some hope. I need to see some light at the end of this tunnel.

>> No.24065879 [View]
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I don't browse other crypto threads so I wouldn't know, but BAT has the same 3-5 copypasta FUD posted in every single BAT thread. It's real dedication.

>> No.23932157 [View]
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave ruined BAT by treating it like it doesn't exist. They're deathly afraid of getting ass fucked by the SEC so they won't even acknowledge it anymore.

The original project split off into two teams, BAT team and Brave team, and Brave does little to nothing to promote/integrate BAT nowadays. BAT team is like 2 people who have no idea how to attract attention/users and are completely reliant on Brave. Once you start to realize how Brave and BAT are actually VERY disconnected, you realize why BAT is so worthless.

>> No.19645699 [View]
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I don't doubt people are botting/cheating the system, but it's definitely not easy enough to the point where it would suppress the price. They basically rely on Uphold to for solid KYC requirements which you need to meet to "cash out" or send to other wallets; if you don't KYC you can't dump your BAT on an exchange.

So therefore bots generating large number of BAT will just have BAT stuck in their browser wallet which can be scooped back up by Brave as soon as you're flagged. It's all still very centralized to avoid botters/cheaters.

I fucking wish bro. BAT would be massive if it would only fucking pump. Even a measly goddamn pump to 40-50 cents would end up sending this token on a moon mission

>> No.19594042 [View]
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That's the cool thing about Brave though, is that they're the first browser to incentivize users to allowing online advertising.

The $10/month in current BAT price could be $50 in a year's time (if you hold onto your BAT). BAT for paywall could incentivize allowing ads so you can view articles. Content creators could allow special content/features for BAT, incentivizing users to earn BAT.

They have lots of options to explore and they have first-mover advantage. They're making mistakes along the way but it's still objectively one of the biggest most promising projects in all of cryptocurrency.

>> No.19411089 [View]
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Second for Brave/BAT. Has to be one of the simplest ways to garner cryptocurrency payments or "tips" in the whole cryptocurrency field.

If you use Brave you can simply donate or tip right through the browser. At the moment it's only BAT (basic attention token) but I think they're constantly working towards a blockchain agnostic ecosystem. Not sure about Nano tipping.

>> No.19127718 [View]
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. Keep using Brave, earning BAT, and buying LINK with extra cash you have available. Gonna make it.

>> No.18954642 [View]
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I was googling too and it's bizarre that it's so hard to find the link - anyways, you have to KYC through Uphold to spend your BATties which is pretty lame. Everything that has to do with spending BAT besides tipping seems to have to go through the middleman Uphold.

I understand the KYC aspect is necessary but let's get fucking Coinbase on board. I'm sick of fucking uphold. Also get a company like Amazon on board in terms of spending BAT. Imagine buying shit on Amazon/eBay via Coinbase. That would be fucking huge

>> No.18563826 [View]
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use Brave browser

stop posting about malware ads

>> No.18325778 [View]
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I think you need to take a step back and reconsider. I wouldn't blame you, because BAT's price depresses the hell out of me sometimes and the opportunity cost depresses me even more. But then I think about how I use Brave/BAT literally every single day and there's no other cryptocurrency project out there like BAT, and I feel a little better. Hang in there, that's my only advice.

No problem brother.

https://brave.com/ is a nice starting point - that's where you can download the browser. At the moment I don't think you can sync all your devices, but that is coming in the near future. So basically you can get Brave Browser on all your devices and earn BAT through toggling "Brave Rewards" on.

The beauty of Brave is that it 1) shuts down all malicious advertising so websites run faster and look cleaner, and 2) gives autonomy to the User regarding online advertising. Don't want to see ads at all? You can do that. Want to get paid for seeing ads (via BAT)? You can do that.

You can check through this thread to see how much people earn a month simply through having Brave ads on. I made roughly ~60-80 BAT I want to say, across all my devices.

>> No.17567119 [View]
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hope you're onto something. Seems like hype has died down a bit but there are definitely exciting things on the horizon

it's really just a matter of onboarding more and more users with Brave, adding undeniable utility and cool use cases to BAT, then teaching all these bozos how to earn it/use it. How long will that take though, and will the project die out before it's possible? Those are my worries

>> No.17180264 [View]
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I remember not too long ago BAT overtook LINK in market cap and eventually was sitting like 20 spots above it for a long, long time.

No reason why that couldn't happen again. BAT has a working product and an already built infrastructure with some very real use cases. It has lots of exciting use cases in the works and a dedicated, highly capable team behind the token and the browser that supports it.

BAT has been undervalued for so long. No reason it couldn't shoot straight up into the top 15 market caps and beyond.

>> No.16741691 [View]
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Using BTC was a losing play from the start. Maxis are fucking delusional thinking BAT's essential tokenomics would have ever worked had BTC been used instead.

>> No.16630070 [View]
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In before the classic galaxy brained

>BraVE, nOt BAT!

argument. The people that argue Brave is useful but BAT isn't are the same types of people that tried to talk you out of buying Bitcoin in 2013. These types of fucking bugmen just cannot possibly see the big picture.

I laugh every time I see some cryptocurrency bragging about rumored Google Partnerships, or partnerships with some other tech behemoth. Old tech has had its day - the whole point of cryptocurrency is to change the way we spend online. Brave is paving the way for online currency by LITERALLY BEING BUILT INTO THE BROWSER. Add privacy and other attractive, sought after features into the mix and you have a winning combination.

Brave was always the initial play. BAT is the fucking genius behind it all.

>> No.16536695 [View]
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depressingly enough, it probably will

yeah I've held strong to the view that if Brave/BAT fail then cryptocurrency truly has no fucking hope. It's just a bunch of vaporware manipulated garbage at the moment just used for speculation. Hilarious that the Bitcoin maximalists LARPed about Brave using bitcoin instead of BAT when those faggots would shit their pants at the thought of spending .000001 BTC because "muh price could go up in the future muh bitcoin pizza". As if they're ever donate 20 sats to a charity.

I digress, if BAT fails, cryptocurrency is fucking doomed vaporware trash

>> No.16413135 [View]
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Well unlike 99% of the cryptocurrencies out there, BAT found an actual internet-related problem and is attempting to fix it through blockchain. It didn't invent a problem, it's not trying to fix a problem that only exists because of crypto. It's the real deal.

Maybe the odds are against it but the payoff for everyone involved and the internet in general will be huge if they succeed. I think it's worth getting invested in

>> No.16302888 [View]
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crypto had to find some real use cases, it'll hit the masses soon enough

>> No.16207469 [View]
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>using Brave

based. And yes, /biz/ is genuinely a low IQ board.

>> No.16186084 [View]
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 75% in BAT 25% in LINK myself. I wish I had more LINK ever since that insane pump, but I'm comfy with my holdings right now.

I honestly believe BTC, ETH, BAT and LINK are the only cryptocurrencies worth holding. All 4 are potential game-changers.

>> No.16155123 [View]
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Absolutely, positively based.

iOS ads will kick off the moon-mission. Hold onto your butts.

>> No.16134185 [View]
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>I saw 2 ads and none rewarding of BATs.

They will. It's collected in a lump-sum and then rewarded once a month. For example this month it's supposed to be the 5th I think but it usually takes about a week for all the BAT to be rewarded out to users. Hold tight.

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