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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9646632 [View]
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>phone rings
>Pick it up
>It's my boss asking me to go see him in his office
>Asks me "wtf is this shit?" pointing at his computer screen
>It's the job I sent him 1 month and a half ago
>I say "it's what you asked for regarding the client anon"
>boss loses his mind, saying fuck this and shit that. Putting the blame on me for not sending it sooner.
>"I sent it to you 1 month and a half ago"
>"I don't care. It's your job to do things right. Now we're behind schedule and if payments are delayed, this is on you"
What the fuck is wrong with these people? He doesn't do his own due diligence, ignores the fact that it's his fault for being retarded and blames me who did a good job. Seriously, wage cucking is just another system to control us. If this was any other person I would tell him he fucked up and that's not my problem.
At least I got home and bought another 10k LINK to make me feel better.

>> No.9629845 [View]
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Could be worse
>got hired at a global firm
>just before I joined, the department was run by a female and a male partner
>they hired a new female partner
>realised that whenever a female gets hired, she gets interviewed by both the two female partners
>the males only get interviewed by the male and head of department
>get suspicious as to why the female candidates get interviews with both female partners, and males only get to speak to one
>it's as if the new female partner has said "I want to interview all female candidates"
>ask my partner about it
>"would you like to be interviewed by both partners too?", get the point; stfu about it

At monthly team meetings
>the new female partner always advocating for the new female candidates
>"Oh that one? She was excellent, are you going to hire her?"
>"Oh, him? Yeah, I'm not sure..."

In the lift heading to my office floor
>two senior managers, female, talking about some candidates they interviewed
>"Harry was great. He's definitely the best qualified candidate"
>"Yeah, but what about Emily? It'd be good to have another female in the team, you know?"
>"Yep - you're right, let's go with her"
>they leave the lift
>I'm fucking gobsmacked

Gets worse
>since female partner comes on board, we have only hired females / pajeets / immigrants
>they're fucking incompetent
>one Bangladeshi was caught violently masturbating in the toilets, repeatedly
>the other one is so hopeless that he got demoted and never gets assigned work anymore, literally walks around the office asking for something to do
>heard that our latest addition is going to be a female chinese graduate with little English skills
>just hired a guy in a wheelchair who has absolutely no experience working in this field
>women are deconstructing, demolishing, destroying what was a fully functional team
>our team's new consultant starts on Monday, she has ZERO experience in our field (highly specified, highly technical) at all, whatsoever

>> No.9151981 [View]
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I started my first cyber-security consulting business when I was 17, during uni. By then I'd reported vulnerabilities in defence, military intelligence, nuclear research and other government and private assets (including Mt. Gox, believe it or not), such as facebook / google / mozilla / casinos. I had three job offers within my first three months of doing this. Within a year, I was approached by an investor. We developed that business into a company and two separate service lines. By the time I was 19, I was servicing clients in dozens of industries across 4 continents. I sold that business at 20 and by 21 I was hired by a global consulting firm as a cyber security consultant, in a position that put me roughly 6 years ahead of my peers.

If you didn't read my statement here >>9151799 "I'm not going to focus on things like paper / hardware wallets, but instead on the typical threats facing the typical crypto investor", and don't think that advice is commensurate with mitigating the risks faced by an average crypto investor, you've absolutely confirmed yourself for being just as retarded as your post makes you sound. For the record, I never attained any of those certs, hence my statement "For the typical route". What landed me my current role and success at the age of 22 was finding 0 days, responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities and growing a successful business. Enjoy being a wagecuck for another 20 years, faggot.

If you are genuinely, truly interested in it? Pursue it regardless of your background.

Depends on the level of your real world experience, but typically I'd say pretty damn important.

>> No.8897144 [View]
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Fuck it, you got me. I'm actually compiling a database full of you anon's, I'm piling up data to track how you progress in your careers. I'm uniquely identifying you based on your posting habits defined by time, frequency and language / grammar / spelling (it's called stylometry). As you guys earn more, and based on the information you provide around how astute you are to your bank details, you raise higher on my targeting list. After I've identified you personally, know where you live, your interests, hobbies and demographics, I'll sell that to massive datamining conglomerates for millions. Then, I'll individually pick off the highest-earners with lowest-risk-visibility and steal all your money. After then, I'll track how you respond and sell it to fraud prevention companies. I'll track your emotions and sell it to psychology organisations, and I'll track how often you consider suicide and sell it to suicide prevention manufacturers.

At the end of it all, I'll determine which type of coin you're most likely to buy, and sell that to the most appropriate ICO.

Forgot to mention that I'll also track your porn habits, and use it to blackmail you before selling it to pornhub.

I calculate that I'll have absolutely made it to lamboland at the end of this exercise, so why are you trying to fuck it up for me? What are you, some kind of jew?

>> No.7730204 [View]
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>company has rotational desktop backgrounds that change every fortnight
>always awesome photos, super professional
>one day I learnt that they only use staff photos, primarily ones people had taken on holiday
>blew me away, because these were crazy professional - microsoft-background tier
>one day, I get to work, turn on my machine, and enter my password
>the loading wheel is spinning, I've got my coffee and all is well with the world
>my account logs in, monitor briefly fades out from the login screen as it loads my desktop
>it fades back in to my desktop, aaaand...
>there he is.
>there's Pajeet.
>smiling, with a shitty selfie of a tree behind him
>it's blurry, out of focus and he's wearing a singlet with nipples visible
>...what the fuck is happening
>as others come into work, I notice their reactions
>everyone's looking at each other
>slowly, comments come out like
>"what the fuck is this guy doing on my screen?"
>"is this a prank?", and my favourite:
>"holy shit I have to present our profits and losses to the CEO and board today"
>my sides were in orbit when I realised that the screen-projection would inevitably show Pajeet's smiling, singlet-wearing, nipple-bearing face
>Laughing, until I realise that I have to go off-site that afternoon and hold a briefing for a client's internal audit team
>holy shit, I'm fucked
>we don't have permissions to change the background
>I consider sending an IT request to get my background changed, explaining my situation
>realise how that's going to sound, figure I don't want to risk that going to the CIO or HR or some shit
>spend my morning finding work-arounds
>finally discover that I can hide desktop shortcuts over Pajeet's nipples and face
>eventually, I have to head off to client site
>unplug my SSI cable (to connect the two desk screens) and close my laptop, grab my shit and head off
>get to client

>> No.7413155 [View]
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FRIENDLY REMINDER that this isn't a recovery. It's going to dip further, and you know it.

Post your survival strategy during these dark hours, I'll start:
>Gonna get an iron
>like, the kinda iron you iron your clothes with
>I'm gonna take it into a public place
>plug it into a power socket until it's fucking hot
>I'm gonna unplug it
>grab it by the power cord
>wield it as a mace
>I'm gonna start swinging it round violently, demanding that people buy BTC RIGHT NOW at market order or higher
>I won't stop swinging till they do

>> No.4905901 [View]
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Being this fucking stupid
>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.3770986 [View]
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Let me ask you pajeets a serious question. Why do most Indians have such an innate sense of confidence in pride? When a client faced a large problem, they hired an Indian company which stepped in and essentially said
"Do not fear - do not worry. We are here now, we will take care of it, no problem". Six months over the deadline and 3x original budget, the problem is worse than ever before. I have seen this repeatedly whenever the Indian side of things get involved and yet, still; Indians have complete utter total confidence in their (completely absent) ability to save the day.

Additionally, there is such an incredibly nationalistic sentiment among you. India is the best country in the world with absolutely no equivalent. India is the utmost pinacle of human achievement, and every other consideration is a mere shade of its glory.

Why do you guys literally think this?
I mean, where in your culture are these concepts (of being completely superior and capable of saving the day) introduced? Is it in school, in the media, in social media etc.?

How the fuck does a country where 1 in 5 of its inhabitants live under $1.25 a day, genuinely believe this?
How does a country who comprises the top 5 most pollutant cities in the world, believe that they're more advanced than any other nation to have ever existed? I mean for fuck's sake even Arabia invented algebra, hospitals and surgery before being driven into the ground with religious dogma.

>> No.3589064 [View]
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>some of you are alright
>don't go to [x] tomorrow

Disregard this >>3588973

it's one of THESE episodes...

>> No.3338287 [View]
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>Lord, make me an instrument of Your gains.
>Where there is loss, let me sow profit;
>where there is fear, greed;
>where there is red, green;
>where there is short, long;
>where there is ask, bid;
>where there is earth, moon.

>> No.3329574 [View]
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>> No.1687603 [View]
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Any way to find an old bitcoin wallet?

I bought 100 BTC is 2010, the wallet address was stored on the hard drive of a laptop that got stolen from a car and probably swapped for crack later that year.

>plz fkn help me

>> No.1626067 [View]
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Here's what you do:

Make a website with your service/product offering. Design the entire website as if it was entirely up-and-running and ready to go. Even have the "pay now" or "order now" button.

Instead of onboarding the customer to a payment gateway, push them to a landing page which says "Due to high demand, we're out of stock!" or "You've got priority - let us notify you as soon as we're available" and a field for them to input their email.

Spend some time refining your adwords campaign and send as much traffic as you can (viably) to the site. See how many sign-ups you get.

If you know that your first 'batch' of product (i.e. 1 crate of 50 Dog Shampoo bottles, or 2 software licenses) costs you $400, make sure that you have enough 'sign-ups' to generate $400 should only half of them complete the purchase.

Buy your product/service requirements, and reach out to those who signed-up with a nice looking "We're ready - place your order now!" or "Our service is now live!" email.

If no one signs up, then ditch the idea or refine until it works.

>use A/B testing. I converted a 2% sign-up rate into a 29% sign-up rate by literally changing the size of a word
>use A/B testing again
>use A/B testing some more

What's your idea of product/service offering OP?

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