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>> No.21134069 [View]
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>> No.20975963 [View]
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>> No.20356751 [View]
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never seen so much link fud as recently

>> No.14646635 [View]
File: 143 KB, 1080x1350, 1562419282401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what age did you get your shit together or peak in life biz? It seems like i socially and aesthetic wise peaked at fucking 17 and now at 22 im addicted to multiple substances and signicantly more fat. Feelsbadman.

>> No.14620437 [View]
File: 143 KB, 1080x1350, 267D13FD-6F39-4AA8-A448-F030071D02E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xrp strong

>> No.14028910 [View]
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So, my gf of 4 years dumped me because she discovered I cheated on her almost a year ago. Been feeling shitty ever since, she even found a new guy on tinder so I have no hopes of her coming back to me. I know, that's what I deserve for cheating, but I had my reasons.
>Not ready for a serious relationship yet, but balls are full as fuck
>All the bitches I could fuck wanted to be in a relationship afterwards so nope.jpg. Don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings again.
>Stumble upon a website where you can fuck "escorts".
>yeah why not.
I find a cutie that is half italian half romanian. Tight body, nice face, basically a 9/10. I start texting her and she gives me the adress to the place she works in. So yeah, I went. From the outside, the building looked shady as fuck. But horny as hell so I didn't care. I enter the apartment, thank God she looks exactly like in the pictures from the website. We start fucking, she's super sweet and skilled. Really nice experience, she even wanted to cuddle afterwards. So, finally relieved of some stress, I head out.
Three days later, I turn on the news. There's a coverage on a huge police operation. I recognize the building. Yeah. Turns out that the whole thing was illegal as fuck and monitored by russian pimps.
>Sweating bullets
They busted 40+ people. It was like in the movies, policemen armed to the teeth, wearing bulletproof vests and all. I can't imagine if I was caught in the middle of the act by the cops that day. I guess I got fucking lucky for once.
It's sad though, I'll never get to fuck that girl again.
Any prostitution stories to share?
10/10 bitches thread too, I guess.

>> No.13574316 [View]
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McAffee is on Binance's side, we can't lose.
At what price should we accumulate? 18.5?

>> No.13363360 [View]
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>> No.13333309 [View]
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>> No.12880674 [View]
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David Foster Wallace in the End of the Tour talks about masturbation being like a movie running through your mind. Courtship is similar as both people are fantasizing and making something concrete too early is a bad move. Leave yourself opinions and be nice and polite.

>> No.12653259 [DELETED]  [View]
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Would you give up your entire portfolio and agree to wagecuck for the rest of your life if you had her absolute unconditional love?

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