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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58507112 [View]
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Not me.
I bought $10,000 of silver on credit that I will be paying off for the next few months kek

>> No.58378131 [View]
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>> No.56254380 [View]
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Keep me posted

>> No.54061125 [View]
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>top 10 most out of date reporting banks by region
>still safe because the last numbers they showed were from before the fed increased rates by 5000% and destroyed the market value of their holdings

>> No.53419810 [View]
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>everything i missed out on is a ponzi

>> No.53284688 [View]
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a pound of gold because a pound of bitcoin can only refer to 1 british pound worth of bitcoin which is basically nothing. gold it can refer to the weight which is a lot.

>> No.52949842 [View]
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>> No.52847177 [View]
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>> No.52553380 [View]
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Dude imagine if he still hasn't released staking by this time next year in 2023 and some crazy LINK bagholder kidnaps Sergey and demand staking release before Sergey release.

>> No.52411298 [View]
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What is matter you diamond handed FOOLS. I have avoided MOASS for two years and have been earning 5% dividend yields on my index funds while you sit and get nothing. There is no way to get back time and now you have lost out on TWO YEARS of compounding interest.
There is still time, turn back now. Return to the safety of the index funds and we can forget this whole thing ever happened.

>> No.52316357 [View]
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Based. When you get confirmation, keep me posted.

>> No.51722840 [View]
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>> No.51663549 [View]
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Thank you.
As political charged as economics is concerned, the Austrian School has some great insights into the fundamentals and inner workings of an economy that can help keep your grounded as an investor. As impressive as all of the charts, data, analysis are, all of that are a function of the financial sector that can only OVERLAY an economy. And given the nature of finance deriving from exponential functions, it's own self destruction is an inevitability. The ability of the country/economy/banking system to procure an exponential amount of resources is impossible, and I am not sure that everyone who invests really grasps or understands the environment we are in.
People unironically invest in TSLA not understanding that it cannot exist without government subsidy from a bankrupt government. People unironically invest in crypto currencies in a time of near universal bankruptcy/shortfall of resources. All measurements of account are going to be fundamentally revalued once we come to terms with what we can all afford to pay for as taxpayers, as providing liquidity in lieu of capital investments have a saturation point and have long since been returning any positive ROI. The U.S. GDP has not expanded since 1983 if you net-out the increases in debt since that time. Never ending, exponential increases in debt are nothing short of disaster, and the "service economy" with a citizenry that can't come up with $2000 within a single week is no reason to be bullish.
The fundamentals: The currency became a plaything of the banks. It has been all but ruined, and we are simply waiting for that truth to manifest itself, hence why we all opt out to own the physical capital. Ready and waiting to buy back in once the pieces fall where they may.

>> No.51246101 [View]
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>> No.51217936 [View]
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The bond market collapses. It's twice the size of the U.S. GDP which is basically an impossible amount of resources to procure for the bondholders. And this trash paper is held by banks, pensions, insurance companies etc. It is also the paper we use to pay for our trade deficit which amounts to a surplus of $700BN of goods that we import essentially for free. We use those goods to leverage into economic activity which creates corporate profits, dividends, jobs, taxes, fills up real estate etc.

There is a LOT of room for a depression to absolutely CRATER this service economy we have created. And to stop the inflation we're going to be printing up a whole lot of dollars. Banks HATE deflation because if their collateral backstopping their loans are no good and their loan book does not perform they go into receivership and go out of business.

>> No.51115215 [View]
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This image is unbelievably based. One of the adjustments being made by 'late stage capitalism' is the desire to have people work to merely rent out their existence. Rent your gym. Rent your music. Rent your media. It is nonstop subscriptions even going so far as to have people renting out their "heated seats" that exists in the very cars they buy.
You used to be able to buy single songs for $.99 each. They quickly learned that after buying 100 or so songs, most people stop buying music because they only really listen to it while they are driving. So if you buy your fill, pick your favorites, and never buy new music, you never have to spend money again. Whereas subscription cucks now spend $1200 over the course of a decade just for music.
The younger you are the more you can leverage these consumer purchases into investments. Buying gym equipment saves me $200 a year in memberships. Owning CDs and buying used ones saves me $120 per year in subscriptions. Owning DVDs and refusing to pay subscriptions saves me another $120minimum. And not only that, the money you are saving can be spent acquiring new music and movies. And you can hand-pick the best there is. Amazon sells cheap, used copies. Half priced books has cheap, used everything. It's a buyers market and saving the cash on a month to month basis gives you more money to invest on other things,

>> No.51111858 [View]
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This image is unbelievably based. One of the adjustments being made by 'late stage capitalism' is the desire to have people work to merely rent out their existence. Rent your gym. Rent your music. Rent your media. It is nonstop subscriptions even going so far as to have people renting out their "heated seats" that exists in the very cars they buy.
You used to be able to buy single songs for $.99 each. They quickly learned that after buying 100 or so songs, most people stop buying music because they only really listen to it while they are driving. So if you buy your fill, pick your favorites, and never buy new music, you never have to spend money again. Whereas subscription cucks now spend $1200 over the course of a decade just for music.
The younger you are the more you can leverage these consumer purchases into investments. Buying gym equipment saves me $200 a year in memberships. Owning CDs and buying used ones saves me $120 per year in subscriptions. Owning DVDs and refusing to pay subscriptions saves me another $120minimum. And not only that, the money you are saving can be spent acquiring new music and movies. And you can hand-pick the best there is. Amazon sells cheap, used copies. Half priced books has cheap, used everything. It's a buyers market and saving the cash on a month to month basis gives you more money to invest on other things,

>> No.51089905 [View]
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This is the reason I collect copper pennies. The money used to be backed by these rare, useful metals and so they commanded so much purchasing power.
The banking inflationary/leveraged games being played have transformed our money into a type of alchemy where the money supply is controlled by computers and algorithms and is manipulated with buttons and levers. These games are profitable for the banks but they have a finite lifespan. The way the system works now is propped up because hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of toxic "assets" haven't been written off as losses. So there is an extreme amount of pent up demand sitting in stocks and bonds etc that will eventually find their way back into commodities. PMs and other assets will soak up and command an incredible amount of purchasing power once shit hits the fan and I wouldn't be surprised if we do eventually see metal prices be revalued so that a few grams of copper is enough to buy you a hamburger.
I know damn well that physical coinage will disappear as anyone with two brain cells to rub together would love to turn a $100bill into $100 worth of metal. It will be too late though.

>> No.50877497 [View]
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A Cheeseburger used to cost like $0.12. Copper coins, (as well as zinc coins) will command a premium over paper digits. Anyone with a $100 bill will be DESPERATE to have his paper converted into coinage once this is all over. The discrepancy in value will come to a point where basic arbitrage will have everyone scrambling to buy up boxes of coins. It's inevtiable as the paper-ponzi-game goes asymptotic.
I sort for copper pennies all of the time and do not bother returning the Zinc coins for cash. Copper is like 60ppm in the Earths crust, and Zinc is 70ppm. Zinc is also on the endagnered list of elements just like silver. Yet it is 20% the price of copper, all of which there are severe shortages of.

>> No.50863777 [View]
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It's crazy how boomer rock-solid the case for PMs is. It's annoying that most people who seem to 'get it' are unsophisticated retards or shameless salesmen.
It's the literal bell curve meme.

>> No.50831220 [View]
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Is that from Ebay? Ever get worried about getting ripped off?

>> No.50826690 [View]
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Put the tinfoil hat on, and there are lots of little clues in this picture. Gold going up, gas coming down, BTC bags, Toilet paper prices going higher?
Time is money
Purse strap breaking.
Leik amg

>> No.50617296 [View]
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The point is the financial system is trapped and requires an exponential amount of imput or risk the economy collapsing as bad debts are forcibly written off of balance sheets. To avoid this problem, banks are printing cash and are, at this very minute, stealing your purshasing power. Your paper claims will buy less in the future. And the damage will be done FIRST before commodity prices are allowed to reflect the new reality we all live in.
The bond market is $46TN in size, representing a paper black hole of capital that is twice the size of the U.S. GDP. It is impossible to pay back, representing a real-world shortfall of resources. And at some point people will be scrambling the trade out of their fake "claims" to wealth and be looking to own physical goods. Precious metals historically have served this purpose and will do so again.

>> No.50213524 [View]
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